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Member Since 06 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active Jan 23 2018 10:17 PM

Manga references in (metal) songs

19 December 2016 - 07:29 PM

Hello all! I am new here so I wasn't quite sure whether to post this in the Kingdom forum or here, but I posted it here, because I thought that it might be interesting to see if generally some manga references exist in other music genres except for Japanese ones... *_*



So now for my question:


I recently discovered some metal band from Germany called "Hailstone" and stumbled across their lyrics for the song "Paved in Blood".


When I read the lyrics, I kinda got the feeling that the lyrics pretty much sum up the whole story of Ei Sei, the first king of Qin who later became the First Emperor of China. I mean "seven warring kingdoms" and "spring and autumn" are pretty obvious references to that era.


I found it striking that the lyrics very much resemble the usage of words in the manga "Kingdom" in general and the chapter where Ei Sei talks to Ryofui about how he will rule China and "that a time shall come where man shall live in peace" and "that we will abolish warfare from the world, even if he will be called a tyrant".  


So I wanted to know if you also feel the same way? I think the lyric writer did a cool job transferring this whole thing into song lyrics  :batoto_004:

So the lyrics go like this:


God of war we call thy name, accept this this sacrifice

We will send a thousand souls beyond the gates of life

Centuries of slaughter have passed into this world

Seven warring kingdoms, carnage rules our earth


Raise up the banners and fight for our cause

The weak will be devoured on this path of blood

Hatred is born from the fires of war

Stoking this path of blood once more


Enemies face to face, as far as eyes can reach

We share blood and history, but killing is our creed

Fallen warriors, immortal souls pass on

The winter’s nights are cold with spring and autumn gone

Emperor of all, I will end this era of war

So our people shall know peace once more


This world as we know it will cease

When mankind shall find peace


Emperor of everything beneath the stars and skies

My name is cursed as the tyrant who devoured lives

And yet I shall face my destiny that war is bound to me eternally

I will unite this kingdom through war

My fate is paved in blood once more


Bear all the hatred from the remnants of war

And I shall walk this path of blood forevermore

-Lyrics end-


Looking forward to your thoughts ^_^