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Member Since 14 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Oct 20 2011 09:11 AM

#18223 Mangafox & Co. - How NOEZ does Business

Posted by Asa on 14 October 2011 - 09:16 AM

Hi, just found this thread while i googled Noez, since there website (noez.com) wasn´t functioning anymore.

My name is Asa and i´m Admin of zomgforums, the forums of the former streaming site zomganime. Our site was sold in 2009 by his owner to Noez
and since then everything we worked for has been ruined. In the beginning Noez had one of their ppl as additional Admin to our Forum so he could
be in contact with us, as we all were still working on the mainsite, adding new episodes and repairing broken links. At first they were nice asking us
about everything before they changed something, but after some times we came to the site just to see it has a new Design, which had a lot of flaws
and also on some pages, terrible chinese english, nobody could understand, They said it was just a test. The test design was never removed and some ppl
left the staff because of the chinese, they were the owners but what they did was just crap.
Some users of the mainsite (who never visited the forums) were asking why we did this and we tried to explain
that it was the new owners ideas that slowly were ruining the site. After a while most of the visitors were used to it and didn´t complain anymore,
while some of our staff wanted to go because of the "chinese overlords" and some others were just banned for saying "too directly" what they thought
(yeah if that isn´t chinese thinking i dunno what else).
After the next reboot of the mainsite nobody of us had access to the wordpress login of the site anymore and we were just Forum staff from this time.
Angry users came to the forums asking what the hell we were doing, that their favorite series was gone and nobody repaired the links
and all we could do was just say, that we can´t reapair them any longer.
The last part was that zomganime as a url and site name got deleted....it is now animehere.com!
We were the #2 of the animestreaming sites a few years ago, now all the work was for nothing.


We once had a reach of 0,06%-0,07% and even with 0,01% we were still better than animehere is now!

Noez is still based in Hanghzou, but most of the money is going over their USA account in New York.
The company was never interrested in, what we thought is right. If they had listend to us, they obviously could have made a ton
more money, but it looks like they don´t want anyone else to interfere with their site.
Their international site is down, but noez.com.cn is still working, also the deleted every detail you could find of them on all their sites,
only with a "who is", you can see that all the sites are still them, i guess with all the lawsuits they don´t wanted to be on the "about us" sites anymore^^

One week ago the link on animehere, to the forums (which were still zomgforums) got changed to another Forum, looks like they still don´t like
Anti-Chinese talk in their Forums :D

So the best is to stay away from that company if you don´t want to make money for them without getting anything for yourself ;)