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Member Since 04 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Oct 19 2013 04:30 AM

Anime link Section

12 February 2013 - 11:00 AM

Ok I know we all have our "favorite" or "regular" websites we like to watch anime but what if you can't find the one you want to look for or the links are bad on your "favorite" sites?

I also know that Batoto is pretty much ONLY for Manga reading and it would be a serious pain to get into Anime. That being said I think you guys should have a list of sites to watch anime and read manga that you guys cannot legally host.

It would not have to list any of your competators or sites you guys don't like, JUST the ones that would most likely have good links to watch the Anime we are looking for or Manga we want to read that you guys don't have on site.This could also be a way for you guys to make money too if you charged a small fee to have other sites added to the list of "friends" or "similar sites"

An ALTERNATIVE Idea and probly much more simple for you guys to do would be to have a search engine "feature" of your already created search that would search for the specific Anime/Manga somone was searching for in the specified search engine selected from a list.

it would not be hard to do, you would just have to create a webcrawler and make sure that if any search engine asks for a caprica the person doing the search was directed to the page so they could finish their search.

Batoto should add a "last read" feature

10 January 2013 - 05:34 AM

I am a big fan of batoto.com and I plan on using it forever!!! but I somtimes forget which chapter I am on I think they should add a chapter tracker that lets us know what chaptor and page of every comic with have we last left off on.

It would not have to be complicated thing to program, just a txt document our account "refers" to when we select a certain manga in our list of "following manga".

links to websites that DO host that manga that you don't host here

11 December 2012 - 05:29 AM

I LOVE Batoto and I understand for legal reasons you cannot host some manga but why can't you give links to websites that DO host them if we search for them in your search engine?

It would not be hard to do and it would not put you guys in any legal trouble