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Member Since 30 Oct 2016
Offline Last Active Dec 15 2016 01:17 AM

In Topic: ▽ triangles + cookies for you, and you, and you!

21 November 2016 - 04:16 PM

Welcome to the site. The community here is nice, so pour yourself a beverage of your choosing and make yourself at home. =)

In Topic: yo

21 November 2016 - 04:14 PM

Salutations and welcome, looking forward to hearing from you on the site.

In Topic: Most hated main character.

18 November 2016 - 01:18 PM

I dislike Touma from A Certain Magical Index Series, as the show tries to present itself as more complex than a typical shounen show and yet he can't help but be like a stereotypical protagonist from those types of shows (only executed worse in my opinion). When I'm watching, he is the most boring character to see and this is apparent with how much more I enjoyed Railgun by comparison. He's just overall a bunch of wasted potential with pointless facets of his character (like his memory loss) that don't add up to anything at least in the anime. He also shares in that cluelessness and problems often associated with the boring harem anime protagonists, which I'd also include in this thread if there weren't so many forgettable ones. I'll stop there as I could go on much further but just keep in mind I have not read the light novel or manga series of this franchise so if he's somehow better in those I wouldn't be surprised.

In Topic: [Trump thread]The worst day in Western history since Adolf Hitler

18 November 2016 - 01:03 PM

Judging by the high number of wall street bankers that are involved on Trump's transition team, I would say he would probably reinforce NAFTA, not weaken it. The CEOs themselves were not the main beneficiary of NAFTA. While the CEOs did get rewarded handsomely with large bonuses for doing the dirty work, the main beneficiaries were the investment bankers and hedge fund managers who invested in their companies. So my guess is that things are going to become more unequal - the rich become richer, the poor poorer still. People will turn more racist, and more violent too. I hope that doesn't happen though.


These are all very good points and they're duly noted. From the UK I'm always being fed one angle of information so I'm constantly left skeptical and unsure what to believe. It's really good to hear some clarity in this from various people both from and outside of the US and in such a civil way. What would you say are the potential or apparent positives of electing Trump? =)

In Topic: What do you hate? And Why?

16 November 2016 - 09:56 AM

I hate it when people won't consider other views. Especially mine.  XD

Hehe well, I suppose the 'especially' is partially because in those cases it is easier to spot. Yeah I used to think this was an easy thing to do, that being inconsiderate was something we grew and matured out of. Now I'd go as far as to say it is a skill, one that is not considered valuable today, but a skill.