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Member Since 17 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 03 2023 03:35 PM

#430198 Favorite Movies?

Posted by I-Am-X on 19 November 2012 - 02:57 AM

As the Title suggests,

Just put a favorite movie of yours!

#430176 Any heavy metal lovers? If so, which bands are your fav?

Posted by I-Am-X on 19 November 2012 - 02:25 AM

avenged and AFI.
totally cool.

AFI isn't metal

hahaha i thought this was talking about thye lady gaga song heavy metal lover :P

AC/DC r good
im not sure if nirvana counts but i love them

Nirvana is Grunge

You say that like its a bad thing or something :/

I listen to a vast variety of music. Can't be bothered to list all the bands from one genre, but most have already been mentioned.
Have recently been leaning towards groups like ABR, All That Remains, Attila, Acacia Strain. Especially Acacia Strain. Their music/lyrics are always so violent.

Would bring a tear to my eye if I hadn't lost my tear ducts in the war. *sniff*

Considering this thread Is called 'Any heavy metal lovers? If so, which bands are your fav?'
it should be just about heavy metal instead of people listening their favorite bands. If not, the thread title should be changed, dontcha think?

If its about favorite 'Heavy Metal' bands It'll be Pantera, Metallica, AC/DC and disturbed.
There's others but out of 'Heavy Metal' those would be my favorites.

#430023 [RP] Draco's castle

Posted by I-Am-X on 18 November 2012 - 10:21 PM

*Still limping after breaking through another window, the great Super Hero X (as she thinks of herself), Marches on!*

*Takes out blood-stained notebook and scratches a few more names and addresses of her list* "Sheesh, 20 houses in the last couple hours and still no sign of that troublesome Cat! Fear Not! I shall definitely find it and won't give up, After all, I'm Batotias hope, the great hero X!!"

*Closing her eyes and grinning greatly as she jumps out the window to move on to the next house, little did she know that a sewer manhole was right in the path and was evidentely open. In mid-jump she freezes and looks down to notice the manhole "Uh-oh" As she was falling she yelled "You wont stop my se...." The sound of gargling sewer water could then be heard.

*Throughout the city of Batotia Screams echoing from the sewer could be heard from X Getting sewer water in her Cuts*

"Owwww, looks like I need to stich up my Cloak it's all torn up!! Guess 20 windows is its limits for one night!"

*Makes her way back to her Manga Store*

#429514 [RP] Draco's castle

Posted by I-Am-X on 18 November 2012 - 08:12 AM

*Outside Duck's window, a shadowy figure gets closer and closer. Out of nowhere a strange person in a long robe, covering everything from the feet to the mouth and with a big "X" comes crashing through the window.*

*Stands up* "Ahhhh....."

*X then looks down its robe to see pieces of glass stuck all over their leg. X's mouth immediately drops in horror as He/she falls onto the ground grasping his/her
leg in agony*

"owwww owww owwww" *Yells*

*looks up*

"Ahhhhh!!!! Theres also glass in my hair!!!!" *Screams as he/she tries to brush the glass out with his/her hand*

*Freezes and looks back at his/her hand before screaming at the top of his/her lungs* "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

*looks up at duck* "Ahem" *Shifting his/her eyes and immediately stands up and brushes himself/herself off before remarking...
"Don't worry Mr. Duck! It seems like I've got the wrong house!!!!!!!" *Remarked as X Takes out a note bad and strikes out an address*

"No missing cat here! I was soooo close this time! That's one house down!" *Seemingly happy with himself/herself and hops out of the window and turns back towards duck*

"If you ever spot a strange creature be sure to let me know!!" *tosses a buisness card with the number 1-800-ItX-not-ex! with the phrase "I'm Batolonia City hero X WHO DOES NOT WORK AT THE MANGA + ANIME STORE NEAR CITY HALL, DOES NOT!!!! OK?" written at the bottum*

*Turns back around and leaves limping, holding his/her knee*

*Saying "owww owww owww" With each step as X fades into the night*

#429299 What's the last song you listened to?

Posted by I-Am-X on 18 November 2012 - 04:11 AM


Lia - Tori no Uta

#429285 Favorite Quote

Posted by I-Am-X on 18 November 2012 - 03:35 AM

"That which does not become a part of the one, shall become one with the void" - Unicron

#429169 Promote your favorite manga(s) using 1 picture.

Posted by I-Am-X on 18 November 2012 - 01:24 AM

Kiba no Tabishounin - The Arms Peddler

