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Member Since 17 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Sep 03 2023 03:35 PM

#1804998 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 19 July 2017 - 05:42 PM

And posted!

#1804995 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 19 July 2017 - 05:36 PM



After all it's babbling, it seemed like the abomination was finally ready to do battle and despite how stupid it was, it turned quite serious. This wasn't going to be easy, which she already knew it wouldn't be. No matter how stupid one may be, sometimes the strong just so happen to be quite dumb. Speaking of dumb, Vomit and Mudpie, having believed her torrent of lies, faced the monster with serious expressions fully intent on winning and surviving.


Sadly, that just not in the cards for them, given their opponent, but it wont be in vain. While the abomination wasn't entirely focused on her hands, she slipped them each a glob of glittering goop, which she received from an earlier fight. The idea was that when they charged in to attack simultaneously, one would attack seriously while the other one would feint an attack and instead toss the goop into the abomination's eyes. Given the size of the abomination and themselves, they'll need to cease it's movements, however, to even attempt that, they'll need to block out its vision.


And while they did that and played their parts as shields, Rend would take advantage of their efforts and take care of the movement portion of the plan and go after the legs. As the abomination's focus was on the two minion's standing in front, Rend, who was standing behind them, took out 2 of the small venom sacs, another items taken from the fae light battle, gently piercing them open with her sharp nails and spread the venom along her dual short blades.


Honestly, she wasn't sure if the venom would effect such a monster but it doesn't hurt to try. Putting their plan into action,Vomit and Mudpie charged in while Rend lingered behind them, waiting for her own chance to strike.




#1802237 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 10 July 2017 - 11:24 PM

Rend (Day 2)


After the abomination finished, Rend could only sigh in annoyance. Never in her short life had she encountered someone who just kept droning on and on aside from the ugly old goblin fluffy. But unlike fluffy, this thing had nothing worth hearing nor any signs of intelligence and the fact this mindless oaf's words stirred up her little sl--minions once more. She couldn't very well continue using the same trick over and over to convince them, so to change things up.... "With all this talking, it's kind of like you're trying to stall for time for some reason. What, too scared to attack?"


Turning towards Mudpie and Vomit, she jerked her thumb towards the abomination and continued. "Are you two actually taking the words of someone, whose unable to do it themselves, seriously? It's like I said earlier, it's all talk and looks. Weak trash like that can't make anyone into a god. Can't you two see it? He's scared, scared of your power and wants you on his side to avoid fighting you. Yet you come off as weak. Are you seriously going to believe the words of someone beneath you? Have you no pride as goblins?!" she spoke to them in an insulting tone before going silent to let her words sink in.


'Have you no pride as goblins' repeating her own words in her head made her want to laugh as much as it made her sick. What do the goblins have to be prideful about exactly? Their potential of growth is wasted on them with their inferior intellect. Of course, these aren't things she'll say out loud. Though, having said all that, she was unsure just how much exactly got through to them and whether or not it'll play out as expected. While she wasn't sure how much they understood, but from the anger, of having their pride questioned, that spewed forth, It was probably being  called weak and having their pride stomped on.


But with that, any thought of taking the abomination's offer was erased as both Vomit and Mudpie turned to face the monster in order to prove Rend wrong. Though she probably wasted her time using big words they probably wouldn't understand, but in the end, they picked up on the words she wanted them to hear and it all worked out fine. Now the both of them are now fit to be her pawns. Back to their dumb selves, they readied for battle.




#1801498 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 06 July 2017 - 01:27 PM

Rend (Day 2)


As they walked through the dark and shadow filled forest, the golem bid for caution in traversing through the forest. Inwardly, Rend laughed. 'Brave' You can hardly call their stupidity being 'brave'... If she hadn't controlled them the way she had, who knows how'd they be acting at the moment. They'd be more of a liability then of any use in that situation. With a sigh, she kept her thoughts to herself and continued following after the golem. The higher and deeper they searched, the more and more corruption they found. It's almost like that 'thing' wants them to find it...


With a whisper from the golem, it appeared that they were finally zeroing in on the abomination and sure enough, as if in reply, the abomination laughed as its voice bounced through the tainted trees. Even though they couldn't see him, they sure heard him as he haunted them. While Rend stood tall and didn't waver at the voice's threat, the other two 'brave' goblins started to crack. At this rate, they'll be useless.... With another sigh, she turned towards the two and scolded them for being scared of some voice. She whispered in their ears about it just being all talk and that it's all about appearance and isn't strong at all. It took some work but she managed to get them back into a usable state of mind, at least.


While she couldn't exactly see him, Rend turned her head to where the voice was strongest and made sure the cretin could hear her. In dull yet pointed tone, "You misunderstand, it's you who will kneel, hang their head in wait before me and perhaps I'll spare you." Her defiant stance caused strange and wild stares to bare her way but it also filled Vomit and Mudpie with strength and squashed any unease that remained. That said, she wasn't expecting an easy fight and the 2 other goblins will almost surely die in the process believing her lies, but hey, she's more than fine with that, victory over defeat after all.




#1801009 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 04 July 2017 - 01:54 AM

Now that the weather has died down a little, I'll try to put one up later/tomorrow. Lately it's been annoyingly hot over here, which sapped my motivation to do much of anything greatly and the last 2 days it's been raining/hailing all day so the weather has been nice and chill.

#1798353 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 18 June 2017 - 10:09 AM

Rend (Day 2)


Rend, upon successfully achieving her task, felt a portion of the riddle stones power flow through her body, strengthening body and spirit along with the path to the next stone, stone of power, appearing in her mind. Having made their way to the stone, it actually turned out that the stone of power was really a golem made out of earth and later revealed itself as a disciple of Akta. Upon greeting them, the golem wondered if the other two were a snack for him, causing the two stupid goblins to shiver a little and step back.


While she kept quiet externally to not further disturb the other two, internally however, she thought it was a great idea. Deciding that when they completed their task, whether they survive it or not, she'll let the golem eat them if he wanted to. Though, having said that, Rend wondered if there creature that actually found goblins to be tasty. Having tasted goblin before, she personally thought they tasted foul but, too each their own, I suppose.... With a shrug, she continued listening to the golem's explanation of their next task.


Apparently, Akta wasn't exactly well liked and some so-called 'rival' was jealous enough to curse the area, one where Akta liked to visit and relax. Their task was essentially cleansing the grove of it's corruption and to do so, they needed kill a horrible, abomination of a magical creature, born from madness and insanity. Or so explained by the golem. Rend didn't like the fact that the golem was saying it in a way to intentionally scare Vomit and Mudpie. After all, if they were too scared, the less use they'd be to her in the battle to come.


With a sigh, she turned towards the two frightened goblins and explained that the creatures form was simply a illusion caused by magic and wasn't as terrible as it was made out to be and was probably a mutated horned rabbit or something. They didn't take to her nonsense right away but slowly, over the course of the explanation, they started to believe her and regained their calm. It was a pain, but they were now of use as tools again and ready to go. Once again Rend was thankful that goblins were so stupid.


As the golem shouted it's battle cry, Rend and the goblins charged forward after the monstrous creature. Of course, Vomit and Mudpie was leading the way. Better they attack first so they know what exactly they're up against.




#1796614 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 06 June 2017 - 06:35 AM



The battle was a complete tragedy.....well for Diaper anyways, Rend was completely fine by the way. She was so shocked by Diapers passing she forgot to cry, ok it was more like she didn't care and expected it but hey, she survived without a scratch. That's all that really matters anyways, right? Of course it is. Anyways, with her silent wish of Diaper biting the dust so she would no longer have to put up with his stench, she honored Diaper's valiant (and planned) sacrifice by looting both corpses for items. Speaking of dust, she found more of it on the brownie, what in the heck is up with brownies and dust? Well, at least it wasn't anything....brown. She also found more totems, putting them both in her bag, she then turned her attention to Diaper's corpse.


With him dead, she lost herself another pack mule, such a shame. Picking up the bag she entrusted to diaper and went about on her way. Walking through the forest, she continued to strike gold, well, in this case, goblins. The part of the forest she was in had its fair share of goblins in it, and you know what this means, time to shop for new sla-minions! As per usual, she picked the ones that seemed the easiest to manipulate, the dumber the better. The two unfortunate lucky ones that got to work under Rend? Vomit and Mudpie. Once again, she wonders, what in the heck is up with these goblin names? Fluffy is bored and probably sour about his own name and decided to take it out on the goblins via names? Well, it doesn't really matter as long as they play their part. Anyways, she gave the bag she had the late Diaper carry to Mudpie to be the new pack mule.


Getting back on track, Rend, having picked new goblins to boss around, made her way to the beach where her next task was. It was covered in sand and the bones of a massive sea-dwelling monster. She took a moment to inspect the bones and wondered how much it would be worth or whether it had some use. Though, with the size of the bones, they probably wouldn't be able to take some back given their size. Anyways, they continued to explore and soon Rend found the special tree Akta had told her about. She then began the ritual to gaining access to it when on the final part Rend heard a voice, Akta's voice or at least a copy of it, specifics don't really matter. Akta then explained her worthiness would be tested with 3 riddles. Of course, Rend accepted the challenge without hesitation and thus it began.


The first one she was presented with was "Poor people have it. Rich people need it. If you eat it you die. What is it?" It was a simple one, though, the other two seemed to be straining themselves to think of the answer. Rend didn't know why they bothered trying in the first place. Paying them no mind, she answered, "Nothing". The poor have nothing so they steal it, those with money dont need a single thing but wastes their money anyway to flaunt their wealth to the poor and obviously, if you're going to die. Vomit was so amazed at the answer he vomited, while Mudpie was playing around with the wet sand. Another fabulously picked team, surely.


The next riddle was "I’m tall when I’m young and I’m short when I’m old. What am I?" Her first thought was old ugly things like Fluffy, but no way that's correct because Goblins, let alone young ones, aren't tall by any stretch of the imagination and Rend was pretty sure it wasn't talking about the elderly of any race. The next thought was fire, considering that would probably apply here but she was then reminded of what they had back in the cave to light it up. "Candles" Was her answer. When they were fresh and unlit, they were tall but after a time of burning they slowly but surely grew shorter the more they're lit.


The last one was just as simple as the first "If I drink, I die. If i eat, I am fine. What am I?" Her answer? She was going with what she considered for the last one, "Fire". Obviously, you can't drink fire and even if you were dumb enough to try, as many goblins would probably attempt, you'll die. And while you can't 'eat' fire, but one can use fire to cook things to eat.


As she answered the third and final one, she turned to kick Mudpie who was sneaking behind Rend to stick a clod of wet sand in her pants. Well, 'tried' to anyways, but Mudpie's idiotic snickering didn't help her case. Not like she would've succeeded anyway.




#1795124 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 27 May 2017 - 11:24 AM

Don't worry about it. Just post when your ready and sooner or later we'll cross that finish line. =D


I posted soon after that post, so already done xD

#1795018 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 26 May 2017 - 02:16 PM



Quickly going through the brownie's corpse, the crimson-haired goblin Rend, managed to pick up a score of decent items along with some more gold pieces, which alone made her all smiles. She has long since recovered the amount paid for that axe during this journey and then some. Among the things she found were3 piles of this 'glittering dust', honestly, she didn't know exactly what it was but she didn't really have the time to find out. As she heard the sounds of the brownie horde incoming, she shoved the items, dust an all, into her bag and bolted from the location.


From the sounds in what followed, it didn't take much thought to determined what they were doing. Rend was just thankful Broom continued to be useful even in death. Leaving them to their business, Rend and Diaper took advantage of the distraction pushed forward and started to look for what they came here for, the embereyes. Soon enough, they found them and just like Akta had told her, they were warm as smoldering stones but what she was unprepared for was the smell. Never in her short life did she think she'd encounter a smell that was even more foul than Diaper.


Not wanting to stick around any longer, she collected the seed they needed and made to leave, however, a leftover from the feeding frenzy made its way over to them. It was bruised and bloody but didn't seem to mind it's injuries and still looked hungry. She took a quick glance over to Diaper and back to the brownie. Given the condition of the brownie, it seems like she wouldn't have to 'use' diaper just yet. Seeing the brownie turn back it's head, she knew what was coming, it was going to call the others. Taking a step forward and prepared to charge right in, Rend stopped as soon as she saw that it was unable to scream.


Apparently, in all that madness, it had it's throat slashed and thus unable to let its voice out. Witnessing, Rend flashed a cold grin. Having completed the first part of their mission, they just needed to get through this last brownie and escape the village and they were in the clear. Deciding the battle plan, she had Diaper go for it's legs while she herself would relieve the ugly creature of its head. Of course, she let Diaper go in first to get its attention while she finished the job.




#1795003 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 26 May 2017 - 12:21 PM

Apologies for lack of a post on my part. It's been a tiring week. From teeth pains towards taking my cat to the vet.


Anywho, I'll get straight to work on a post.

#1792824 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 08 May 2017 - 02:19 PM

What timing Haha.


Anyways, I posted and gave Broom his last meal. RIP sacrificial offering.

Hope this was alright since you put 'gravely injured' and all, decided to make one last use of the injured one.

Dong 2.0


Also had Rend make another back using one of the horned rabbit pelts. So now there'll be 5 complete sets of horned rabbit pelts (x15 leather pieces), aye?

#1792822 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 08 May 2017 - 02:13 PM



It seemed like the great powers that be was having its fun with her now. How so? Well, instead of Diaper being the one to go down, it was Broom instead. Well, he wasn't dead yet, but if let untreated, he definitely was going to die. She had no plans of turning back and delay her progress further just so one dumb goblin can live a little bit longer. He could still be of use to her, instead of Diaper, the planned offering to the giant spider, Broom's now the chosen one. What great honor that the ugly dumb goblin has in offering himself (non-voluntarily) so Rend could live longer, huh?


In any case, like most goblins, Broom is one of those idiots that think they'll be fine as long as they punch or stab something, so it won't take much effort to convince him to press on. He'll surely die next time, that's a definite fact, he might even be more useful in his dying moments then Dong was. Like seriously, all that effort in chopping up his dead body and it turned out she didn't even need to use it. Sheesh. Anyways, with those strange orb things dead, the black cohosh was now hers. Rend was quite pleased, not only did she get the Black Cohosh but she managed to collect quite a haul from the monsters fought so far.


Luckily, like typical males or just like typical idiots, they thought all of it was trash and no value, meaning it made it all the easier for her. If they thought otherwise, she'd have just killed them and taken the items outright but now that isn't even needed anymore. After carefully collecting the roots, she placed the roots in her backpack and moved to collect the remaining meat. Rend easily convinced Broom that the more he ate, the sooner he'll get better, which didn't much given that he's an idiot. He wasn't going to get better and it wasn't going to change his fate but it made things easier to press on.


While the others ate, Rend took the time to use one of the Horned Rabbit pelts to make another makeshift bag. After all, with the haul they picked up, they would need more room to carry it all. The more they had, the more she'd be able to make off of it. When they finished eating, she place all the medium animal bones (Skulls, horns, leg bones and spines) into the new bag (putting the rest of the items in her own bag) and told Diaper to carry it (since Broom was going to die and all). With that done, they turned and started heading west to start looking for the embereyes.


Rend had Broom lead them in the front so that Diaper wouldn't be able to figure out he wasn't doing so well. Diaper was an idiot but even an idiot would be able to tell somethings wrong after enough time. Also, with Broom in front of her, she'll be able to be in position send him flying with a kick should the spider or any dangerous foe appears.




#1792345 [RPG] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 03 May 2017 - 02:02 PM



Wandering through the forest on their search for some fresh black cohosh, they've encountered dozens of the usual horned rabbits but still have yet to come across their target herb. Still though, through the many battles with the rabbits they not only got some food in them but also battle experience for the younger, dumber goblins. And with that experience came confidence that they can handle whatever. They were being naive and just, well, stupid but this also works in her favor because the more confident and relaxed they became with their 'prowess' the easier it becomes to move them to her will.


By the time they come across a foe worthy of being wary against, their overconfidence will allow Rend to use them effectively as shields, complete her objective and leave the situation without harm. It was the reason she recruited them after all, young and stupid goblins like them are all the same. They get all arrogant from simple displays of power and misjudge their capabilities and try to act higher than their actual station in life. As much as goblins and their way of life disgusts her, shes quite thankful there's abundance of idiots like that to serve her needs.


Back to the matter at hand, the battles with the rabbits also gave them plenty of materials that they could potentially sell to Mocharr (and possibly recover the amount wasted on that axe), so it was an added bonus. Horned rabbit has become a common meal for the goblins but Rend isn't complaining, their blood made for a decent drink and their meat was still filling. Though, with that said, she'd still like to try something else for a change. In the battles, she had the 2 idiots fight them head on and distract them while she struck from behind or the sides and dealing the final blow.


The foes were weak but that won't change her tactics, to come this far and to get where she needed to go, she needs to get through it with as little damage taken as possible. Though, it really doesn't matter how much damage the others take it. After all, they basically belong to her and are hers to do whatever she wanted, whether they're aware of it or not. Slavery errr minionship was a wonderful thing, wasn't it? Anyways, after plundering the rabbits for all they were worth, they moved onward to their goal. Soon they've entered a part of the forest that had a bit bigger trees than they were used to. By this point, it was already midday and just when they thought it was going to take even longer, they've found their target, the black cohosh.


However, blocking their paths were strange orbs of lights making an equally strange sound that sounded like music. Upon further inspection, these 'lights' were adorned with jagged teeth and claws but it seems that Broom and Diaper were too stupid to notice that fact. With their appearance and the sound they were making (along with the fights from earlier), they thought it was just another simple victory. Well, regardless of whether they die here or live, it's a win for her, so the result doesn't really matter. To this effect, she stroked their egos a bit more and had them charge in, sticks and stones a blazing.


Just like with before, she let them get these strange balls of light attention while she appeared behind them like a shadow, using the idiot duos grunts and sounds of battle to cover her approach. Gutting one with both of her short-swords, she turned towards the others and prepared to strike.




#1792309 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 02 May 2017 - 10:59 PM

Well, I have to disagree with you there:


- Your character can talk to each other.

- Your character can talk to the NPCs.

- Your character can reflect on how and why they got there.

- Your character can explore the area, from the safety of their horse's back.


Basically the food is on the table and all your character is having, is a glass of water.


And just for the record, the NPCs only jabber on because you guys aren't saying anything. So I give them new things to say, to give your characters a new way to get in to the action. Most of those NPCs didn't even exist until I saw that nothing was happening, and now they're the only ones doing anything. It's less of an RP and more like some bad fanfiction. I think the goblin part of this is already slow enough without having to also wait on the human half as well.


I was under the impression once the human pov came to be we'd get right into things from the get go, And besides, the plug was pulled before 'more of the table could be sampled'. If I knew you were going to end it 2 week break of posting, I would've posted again, despite having already posted before update. My fault for being a slow poster, though. I didn't think the length between posts mattered, especially since you mentioned about not getting around to writing your own stories and such lol. I also wasn't sure if any actions she did would draw suspicion, especially posing as one of the guards and then just up and vanishing.


Though, I guess I could've just had her 'ask for permission to patrol the surrounding area' or something. Stupid me, oh well, little too late for that now. LOL But yea you're right, goblins is more than enough. I do apologize for my slowness, gotten far to lazy these last few years. xD

#1791922 [OOCD] Rise of the Goblin Nation

Posted by I-Am-X on 29 April 2017 - 07:50 PM

It's not about writers block, though. It's about there being a lack of significant material given to write a decent post. Like the updates just have npcs basically shooting the breeze and nothing for the characters to go off on. That said, a post can be made but it wont be terribly long (probably a few sentences at most) and would be a waste if you're just going to do away with the human thing anyway lol.


Again, there is no writers block but if you want to drop it, then it can't be helped. It's a real shame though, I feel it's much too soon to drop it. But if there is something you want to do, then go for it. Don't want whatever ideas for stories you had to get lost in time and forgotten. xD