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Member Since 12 Nov 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 21 2015 11:22 AM

Ideology of the manga industry

04 March 2015 - 03:35 PM

Did you notice the drastic increase of manga presenting powerful female characters and weak male characters ? It has started in the 90s, with Sailor Moon and other mangas I can't remember the names, and nowadays it's becoming the rule.


In real life, an average man has 2 times the muscular mass of an average woman, and an average woman has 3 times the fat mass of an average man. In real life most of soldiers and martial artists are men. In the Olympic games, men and women perform separatly, because obviously women can't win against men. So, the manga industry is obsviously inverting this reality.

It could be those manga I'm talking about are just ''fap-manga'', showing boobs and panties, destined to male audience. But is it really necessary to empower so much the girls and put down so much the guys to show boobs and panties ? Obviously no.


So, why do you think the mange industry is doing that ?