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Member Since 06 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Jun 02 2018 11:05 AM

#1380781 [Recommendations] {ARCHIVE}

Posted by Bagelson on 13 October 2014 - 06:49 PM

I have a question for translators. What's your level of proficiency in Japanese? I'm currently studying it and want to help out but I'm still at the very basic level.

I can't speak for Japanese, but I'm currently translating Douluo Dalu from Chinese. I went into it with barely a basic grasp on the language, enough to grok the elementary grammar, but with a dismal vocabulary. Since I wanted to improve my language skills while translating, and since I've seen the mess that machine translation can make of even simple sentences, I've been translating with a dictionary app, checking through the multiple meanings for each word I don't recognize and puzzling out the sentences from there. When I'm stumped or need a second opinion on a sentence I'll use machine translation, and even though I usually don't agree with the result I can often figure out a different meaning of parts I was uncertain of.


Consequently, over translating the first volume my reading comprehension has improved immensely, judging by the comments it seems the readers appreciate the result, and I'm satisfied that my translation is (mostly) accurate. 


My recommendation is to pick a project that seems interesting and nobody else is doing and start translating to the best of your ability. You'll learn a lot, you can go at your own pace, and if you like the story you'll be driven to continue.

#1370702 [Recommendations] {ARCHIVE}

Posted by Bagelson on 29 September 2014 - 10:43 AM

I've gone through a bit of the list already and waiting on translation updates or next book for a series. T_T


Can anyone suggest anything else good?


Iv'e read all re:translation novels, Mushoku Tensei, Danmachi, Tate no yuusha, LMS, Arifureta, Ark, Only Sense Online, Overlord, Mother of Learning, Fimbulwinter, Demons of Aslan, Play to Live, NPCs, Knights and Magic, No Game No Life, Problem Children are coming from another world, 1/2 Prince, The Legend of Sun Knight.


Any suggestions based on what iv'e read?

I've read most of those and liked them, so I'll recommend branching out into the Wuxia epics. Check out Stellar Transformations and Coiling Dragon, those should last you a couple of days.