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Member Since 15 Aug 2016
Offline Last Active May 25 2018 07:26 PM

#1787767 Comic page comments needs spoiler button.

Posted by FireFish5000 on 22 March 2017 - 11:41 AM

Comic page comments (eg. https://vatoto.com/comic/_/comics/its-my-life-r18491#fast_reply) needs to have a button for adding spoiler tags.


The rules require us keep plot details, images, and videos in spoiler tags. Yet we are provided a button for embedding images/media but none for spoilers?
Sure those that know bbcode can write the tags, but this seems contradictory. If anything, I would expect spoiler tag button to be available (to make it easier to follow the rules), and image/media buttons to be disabled (since you can't possible break any rules by not using them). Since spoiler tags are required to be put around images/media, the tag should be no harder to add then them (meaning a button should be available to add spoiler tags directly, not in an embedded 'special bbcode' sub-menu like on the forms).


Unless the image/media button adds spoiler tags by itself (experience tells me otherwise), the current implementation is flawed. Ignoring trolls, I cannot expect most children nor the technically illiterate to follow this rule as implemented, a link to rules that also tell us how won't help much (your fighting laziness, clicking that check box is 100x easier than clicking the link, reading the rules, and copying/pasting the spoiler tags).


I'll be honest, I do expect having the spoiler button available to reduce the number of offenses of those who actually care about the site. It would probably even be a measurable number and would likely have a noticeable impact on how frequently the rule is abided by on the site as a whole.  However I doubt it would result in any noticeable or measurable decrease in rule breaks, those that follow the rules would merely finally be able to express themselves as freely and easily as those who break them. The best solution is probably to make image/media buttons add spoiler tags by default (requiring you to enter bbcode mode to remove the tags). Or for bato.to to enforce the image size/line count spoiler tag rule on post (eg. server reads dimensions of images not under spoiler tags in comment section on post, and adds tags around image if needed. It doesn't sound complex at first, but I fear we would have to fight some sub-system to implement it).