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Member Since 02 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 06 2018 01:08 AM

Trying to find a romance manga, the characters are around 20-30

10 August 2016 - 06:20 AM

BTW I meant age on the title


I can only remember the first parts and the last parts.

It starts with the heroine working her ass off to get an interview to the visiting queen/royalty in japan, but instead met with the prince/grandson.


They ended up in a relationship but not announced to the public etc etc.


Then the ending comes, the prince have to go back to his country and she stopped it by saying she is actually pregnant. They both wondered when it was since they always use condoms, then the prince ask if it was the time they did it at the entrance. He cannot stop himself anymore waiting for the official condoms from his country because the condoms in japan is "too small".


Then jump to epilogue, she was not actually pregnant, but they got married anyways because of that issue.


I can't remember other parts of it. Hm the girl has this bookworm look, big round glasses, long skirts.


Hoping you guys can help me. Thanks!