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Member Since 01 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 15 2018 08:03 AM

In Topic: Where Can I Find...? [Recommendations]

25 March 2015 - 10:20 AM

Yes, The Empty Class is indeed a fan fiction. The first chapter itself starts out with the character making a character in 'Royal Road', which is the VRMMORPG game of The Legendary Moonlight Sculptor. Just because it changes later does disregard the fact that it had began as so. If the author had wished for it to be original, he would have done so in the first place.


Then please inform me when it is rewritten and what have you.


To answer the question of the previous inquirer as well, I had removed Phoenix Rising due to claims from users of it containing plagiarism (specifically: Mushoku Tensei -Isekai Ittara Honki Dasu-), which I detest. If you wish to read it, here it is. I have read that he is planning on rewriting the beginning chapters to fix this 'issue', but that is to be seen.

I'm not really sure what you meant, but what I'm trying to say is even though it starts out with the name Royal Road. Since the author didn't borrow lore or events from LMS, characters, places, and even made his own skill and job system. Later on he changes it to original by changing the game name from 'Royal Road' to 'Fantasy Online'.




I actually wants to read because someone in the previous said that, haha.

In Topic: Where Can I Find...? [Recommendations]

24 March 2015 - 11:30 AM

I just read Dark Jokes, can't believe it got reccomended. The writing is so-so, but what makes me really annoyed is that things were too easy for the MC... The female characters personality doesn't have any depth... And the author actually made the joker separable just to make things easier for the MC... The last one made me facepalmed so hard.




The empty class isn't a fanfic.. On the later volumes the author separate it from Royal Road and made the game called Fantasy Online, IIRC.


Seeker of Myths is going to remove it's RR element and change it to original... not sure if the author already did that though.




Where is phoenix rising? I haven't read it, but it was mentioned on the previous thread... got me curious.

In Topic: [Recommendations] {ARCHIVE}

06 March 2015 - 02:30 PM

I was actually around on RRL chat just after it happened. He got a couple critical reviews and had been planning to rewrite the whole thing anyway, so he just decided to scrap it, with the intention to revamp it.

The chances for that is low. He moved it to a wordpress.


I'm not sure if I would follow him there.The basic WordPress theme is killing me eye, and it sure doesn't fit the whole dark theme he had going.

In Topic: [Recommendations] {ARCHIVE}

02 March 2015 - 03:11 AM

What why did he delete it...!? If there was an announcement I missed it.

No announcement. If there was anything that come close to that of an announcement, it was only a brief message on rrl chatango. I think he said he is going to start something new. But don't take my words for it. I only caught a glance of it and my memory is not that good. As for the reason, just ask around on rrl chat. I bet there is more than one soul there, that is more than happy to share the story. Too happy even *roll eyes*.

Anyway all I can say is that there MIGHT be an external influence.

In Topic: [Recommendations] {ARCHIVE}

02 March 2015 - 02:25 AM

Btw, Alzeroth new fic Alan, is using his fic Zalkion thread. I tried asking him, but there is still no confirmation as to whether he continue Zalkion or not.

Also, I'd recommend Chronicle of Ruler of Rules to be added on the list too. D: