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Member Since 01 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Dec 03 2016 11:23 AM

#595868 Batoto Maintenance! Upgrade details inside.

Posted by malgod on 18 March 2013 - 10:22 AM

Yeah, really needs some fixing on the myfollow page (last read feature) but other than that it looks pretty neat.


It might seem a little bright but that's cause we're not used to it. Just need time to get used to it I guess but you can always change the theme back too.



*edit* Someone linked this: http://vatoto.com/follows_comics

#595825 Batoto Maintenance! Upgrade details inside.

Posted by ShiroNeko on 18 March 2013 - 09:18 AM

I really liked the image feature on the follow list.. could you guys bring it back :'(

#595816 Batoto Maintenance! Upgrade details inside.

Posted by Edoc on 18 March 2013 - 09:06 AM

well, the RSS works fine with the brownser, but using some software like RSSOwl returns some HTTP 403 :(+




Oh, and as it have been alredy pointed out, the "last read chapter" feature is really needed, is it missing only because the update isn't fully made? because without it the whole follow thing lost half its value, and I would have to re-read thousand of chapters :_

#595793 Batoto Maintenance! Upgrade details inside.

Posted by Warfoki on 18 March 2013 - 08:43 AM

I like the new look better in general. However, before the update it was noted on the My Follows page which was the last chapter I read of each manhwa/manga. Now that's gone. This makes the follow list kind of pointless, since (aside of Tower of God) I don't follow anything weekly, I wait ubtill there are a bunch of chapter done, and catch up then. Without the system showing me where did I left it off, I have to rely third party sources (like MAL, or good old pen and paper in case of webcomics), and at this point might as well stop using the follow list altogether.