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Member Since 20 Jun 2016
Offline Last Active Nov 08 2019 04:39 AM

In Topic: Quantum Revival Scans is Recruiting

10 February 2017 - 11:43 PM

We're still in need of a redrawer, but we're also in need of a second translator to help us with either our current/original project (The Vampire Part-Timer Kirishima-kun) or with our newest project, Shuffle! - Days in the Bloom. Our current translator was originally working on VPTK, but agreed to work on Shuffle if we can find someone to take over translating VPTK. 

VPTK is a short 4-koma comedy manga that is released in half-chapters that are 4-6 pages long each. Each page only contains 8 rectangular panels (first page of chapter only has 2-3 panels), some of which have SFX and out-of-bubble/box text that will also need to be translated. Please let us know if you can help us with either VPTK or Shuffle, as we wish to work on both and have VPTK set as priority since it's our original project. 

AKABoy123, Leader of Quantum Revival Scans

In Topic: Quantum Revival Scans is Recruiting

19 January 2017 - 06:04 AM

Quantum Revival Scans is in need of one (1) redrawer to assist us with a 4-koma (four panel) comedy manga called The Vampire Part-Timer Kirishima-kun. Our current redrawer no longer has access to a computer and will be unable to help us for an indefinite period of time. The redraws are easier than most manga and there are only 4 pages for each chapter, so it won't take that much of your time compared to other series.


We are also recruiting Japanese-to-English translators so that we can pick up/translate more manga series. If you decide to join as a translator, you can pick whatever manga you want to translate as long as 1) it doesn't contain yaoi/shounen-ai or extreme graphic content (violence, dark/hardcore fetish hentai, etc.), 2) it isn't licensed for an English release, and 3) no other group is currently working on it (no new release for at least 3 months). We would prefer that you pick one of the manga on the list on our website to translate, but if you'd rather not translate any of them and have a series or two in mind that you'd rather translate instead, feel free to let us know. 


Please apply to join our group by filling out our short application on our website. Thanks!


AKABoy123, Leader of Quantum Revival Scans

In Topic: Quantum Revival Scans is Recruiting

05 November 2016 - 04:57 PM

Bump. Please see previous comment.

In Topic: Quantum Revival Scans is Recruiting

02 October 2016 - 02:20 AM

Hello again! Quantum Revival Scans is in need of 1-2 Japanese-to-English translators. We might need someone to take over translating the short 4-koma webmanga The Vampire Part-Timer Kirishima-kun. We're also looking into taking over the scanlation of the manga Hensoku-kei Quadrangle because the current group working on it is considering dropping it and our group would like to pick up a second manga. We would need a translator for each of these manga, unless one person is okay with working on both at the same time. 
If you're interested in joining as a translator, please go to www.qrscan.wordpress.com/join-us/ and fill out our quick application (it only takes a minute). 
AKABoy123, Leader of Quantum Revival Scans

In Topic: Quantum Revival Scans is Recruiting

08 September 2016 - 03:38 AM

We are still in serious need of one redrawer. We are no longer in need of a proofreader, though we are still accepting applications for Japanese translators. We are a laid-back group that works on scanlating manga for fun. We need a redrawer to help us with a few, fairly quick redraws for each half-chapter (about 4-6 pages) for The Vampire Part-Timer Kirishima-kun, which is the only series that we are working on. As mentioned before, redraws would normally be easier than most manga and wouldn't take too long to do. You would probably only work on one or two half-chapters each week, so it wouldn't be taking too much of your time. We would like a committed redrawer to join us specifically for this series, as we aren't working on any other series at the moment and don't have anything else planned to pick up at this point, so you wouldn't be very busy. 


Thanks for your consideration! Please comment here or submit one of our quick applications on our website. It's only a few short questions that shouldn't take more than a minute or two to fill out. We will contact you by email within a day or two after you submit your application. 


AKABoy123, Leader of Quantum Revival Scans