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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Member Since 21 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2018 01:34 AM

Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There! Light Novel

30 January 2013 - 10:16 PM

I have officially started on my dream of getting Gate - Thus the JSDF Fought There! Light Novel translated.

I have bought the latest Atlas, and am looking for anyone with the raws or copies of the books in Japanese Since after buying Atlas I am strapped for cash.

Anyone willing to assist is more than welcome. English editors, anyone with knowledge on the Terms and situations, or if fortune smiles, an honest to god Translator.

I have no group, or rather have not OFFICIALLY created one, since I just acquired the first tool to my goal. Nor do I have the second tool (Raws or Book) to proceed. But I have seen DOZENS of people asking for this to be translated (including myself) so here is to those of us, "I promise NO schedule until AFTER I get the first chapter or two done, as I DO NOT KNOW how long it will take me. I have NEVER translated anything from Japanese to English, I have experience with other languages, but then, I KNOW those other languages. This is something COMPLETELY NEW to ME, but I WANT this translated. So anyone who feels the same, and happens to have knowledge on the terms or situations, plus confidence in their English Grammar.... Honestly, as long as you have confidence in your English, period, I could use the help. Especially since English is NOT my first language, so I WILL make mistakes. AND I AM USING ATLAS! Anyone with ANY knowledge in this field knows how that is going to be. So please, join if you want this done, ESPECIALLY if you want it done FASTER. Thank you."