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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 16 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 28 2017 03:53 AM

In Topic: [Recommendations] {ARCHIVE}

04 February 2015 - 07:48 PM

hello ppl

first of all i just made this account to thank you Xagnam and all the ppl who contributed in make this amazing thread.


i have some questions regarding Fimbulwinter (Daniel Black) and Good Intention 1&2, does these books have any rape scenes? i m ok with erotic sex scenes or gore or violence or any other mature stuff but not fan of rapes so if any of this book contains rape scenes please kindly inform me, also if someone is kind enough to point out other books listed here which has rapes.

i would suggest Demon Lord series by Morgan Blayde if you havent already finish reading info page: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/16205710-red-moon-demon

IIRC fimbulwinter and good intentions are both vanilla story ( no rape,only happy sex :) ), but i can be wrong since have sometime that i've read those books

In Topic: [Recommendations] {ARCHIVE}

17 January 2015 - 10:30 PM


about :" Princess wa Barairo no Yume wo Miru" under reicarnation tag

i was getting a look in the moon rune raws , the romaji is  Kyūketsu hime wa barairo no yume o miru,the kyuuketsuki is missing, and i think the title is werong, since 吸血姫 (vampire princess) using the sound system of GT, is speak as Kyuketsuki and removing princess moon rune(姫) is read as kyuketsu(without the ki in  the end ) the moon rune 姫 can maybe also means "ki",and in the synopse dont metion anything about gender change (and the synopse dont give a feels/vibe about the mc being a woman) if i'm correct, the title would be " Kyuuketsuki wa barairo no yume wo miru" (Vampire seeing/with a rose-colored dream(?) )



Ah, just notice... how do I get feedback now if I"m hosting it from google drive?

u can make a simple pool in your GD (like,how is the grammatica,how is the history and recommendatios) but i dont know how make this,try asking rei_hunter or someone that know how use GD

In Topic: [Recommendations] {ARCHIVE}

17 January 2015 - 08:22 PM

@Exlander: Thanks for answering.

I've no confident about my work... since it's too generic.

But if I don't get butchered up I don't think I'll improve.

So here's for momentary pain and everlasting gain.

I just start the blog the other day though so there's not much stuffs.

But I hope it satisfy some of the readers thirst for a story at least.

Here's the link: http://jskein.blogspot.no/

Thank you.

@JienKein,about the site:

i think in my opinion the first thing is change u site to wordpress(have better organized layouts premade for u than blogspot) or use Google Drive, or change/made yourself a new layout for blogspot or dont change anything since it's your decision in the end

aboute the ch:

considering that yours ch have little quantity of words,write 2~3 ch and release them as one big ch


that's my thoughts i hopefully this will be of some help or not for u, and good luck with your history :D

In Topic: [Recommendations] {ARCHIVE}

17 January 2015 - 04:34 PM

good luck

In Topic: [Recommendations] {ARCHIVE}

11 January 2015 - 05:19 PM

someone have a book about vampires (like tome of bill) telling about a guy that was turned but without a pussy MC?it  dont need have mature content but if have it will be better,mature  contents enriches my pure brain