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Member Since 15 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 12 2015 03:19 PM

In Topic: Petitioning Naver LINE translation quality

24 July 2014 - 11:32 AM

This is probably not the right thread for this and maybe other people have noticed this before but I'll point it out anyway since I found it funny. The translations are bad and the names questionable, that's what people keep talking about but some other changes feel weirder to me. In the first chapter of Annarasumanara they actually edited the image, the very original webcomic to swap out a 10,000 won Korean bill for a 10 dollar American bill. I laughed quite a bit since it looks so weirdly out of place since now Hamilton's face is all over the chapter. It's truly hilarious - seriously even if you haven't read the webcomic just check out the first chapter in comparison to the original. It's especially funny considering that the bill has an important role in the chapter and there's a part where it covers an entire "page" - in the original it looks normal, but in the Naver version the 10 dollar bill was clearly enlarged using something like photoshop so it looks somewhat blurry ahahah.


Apparently Naver set out to create the illusion that Annarasumanara is a story set in the USA. Not weird at all.