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Member Since 22 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Feb 27 2016 03:06 AM

#1211284 Revised Comment Section Rules

Posted by mhh on 18 April 2014 - 07:04 PM

Almost from the beginning the comment section has been used very differently than we as the staff envisioned it. Meaning this revision is long overdue.


In pursuit of our goal to provide as pleasant an experience to all our users as possible we tried to find a compromise between accommodating the suggestions by the community, giving the users as much freedom as possible and being able to effectively moderate the section.


You can find where we arrived at here: http://vatoto.com/forums/topic/18007-comments-section-guidelines/

We will observe how well the rules are accepted and will make changes if necessary.


If you have any suggestions regarding the comment section rules, please post here: http://vatoto.com/forums/topic/17970-draft-for-comments-section-guidelines-post-your-feedback/


We look forward to any (constructive) input you may have.

#1018183 Announcement sidebar added to the front page!

Posted by Derek on 22 December 2013 - 09:12 AM

It's not the announcement sidebar that needs to be moved down, but the advertisement.

#1018224 Announcement sidebar added to the front page!

Posted by Gnah on 22 December 2013 - 10:31 AM

The language setting was moved above the follows, so people won't miss it anymore. I guess too many threads about "Batoto needs a language filter", so it was moved to a spot where it's more visible.

The tiny bit of extra scrolling won't kill anyone. (>_>)


Good going, Gumpy-senpai! (^o^)/

The language feature would be found much more often if it could be found in "My Settings" as well, I think. Because that is where I would look for it first and I think that makes sense.


Of course a bit of scrolling won't kill anyone. But doesn't that go for each and every comfort feature? "It won't kill anyone" was never ever a good reason to not make a product better.

#1018184 Announcement sidebar added to the front page!

Posted by Gnah on 22 December 2013 - 09:14 AM

I really feel the language settings should go below the follows list. Finding the language feature is important. Constantly seeing it however is not, so it is fine if one had to scroll a little to see it. I'd also prefer the announcements below "My follows", but I can understand if you want it at the most prominent top spot.

#1018166 Announcement sidebar added to the front page!

Posted by miles on 22 December 2013 - 08:31 AM

You don't. I don't want people to miss things.

Can you put the "Announcements" under the "My Follows"?