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Zee Tee

Zee Tee

Member Since 08 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2018 08:22 AM

Grade my typesetting?

15 July 2014 - 04:26 AM

I wasn't sure where else to post this.


Anyways, I've decided to give typesetting a go.  Before I actually submit any applications, though, would anyone here critique my work?


Here is some stuff I found on https://japanzai.com/smf/index.php?topic=49.0 that they use as practice tests.










Also, a couple questions.

If punctuation/bold/font stuff isn't covered in the text file or scanlation group's policy, how much is usually at the typesetter's discretion?  What about fixing potential spelling errors or grammatical quirks that may come with the translation?  I realize that every group does things differently, I'm just wondering if there is some kind of consensus.


Thanks for any info!