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Member Since 06 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 20 2018 05:01 AM

In Topic: What to read next?

04 August 2014 - 09:47 AM

you should try uwagaki.

In Topic: DDoS - Aftermath (2014/02/16)

18 February 2014 - 02:24 AM

What? Batoto is DDoS'ed?


Damn my slow connection. Yesterday didn't feel any different than my usual browsing experience :P

In Topic: Could you recommend me a manga with toradora-like plot, please?

20 September 2013 - 10:55 AM

Kyou, Koi wo Hajimemasu is a good one for that if you don't already read it.  It's  a great, super popular one too. I think it was like the fourth or fifth best selling manga in Japan last year.........it's not a good copy of it here on batoto though, rehosting issues, probably mangahere or one of the other sites has all the available chapters (the scanlation is still ongoing). 


Cheese in the Trap would also fit, though again it's only a partial amount of the scanlated chapters available here, it's actually got the english chapters on Naver...........Cheonsaeng Yeonbun though it's pretty new, Koibana! Koiseyo Hanabi, ............hmmm, that's about all I see. and yeah, they're mostly the girl doing the hating, or maybe a little mutual

oh wow, That's all new to me. Thank you very for your recommendation.


Maybe Sakurasaku Shoukougun? I didnt read it myself and there is only 1 chapter so far... so who knows how it's gonna end. Its's just I planned to read it someday and remembered the description, which kinda fits what you want...

That description really give that vibe isn't it? Thanks so much. Now I have a new manga to follow.

In Topic: Could you recommend me a manga with toradora-like plot, please?

20 September 2013 - 07:55 AM

yup, a shame,  heart disease, she was a few years younger than me    >_<

It is, isn't it?

hetakoi feels like her swan song of her life.


Oh and while we are at it, it might be out of topic but since you seem to know some good romance, could you tell me some story with a good hate-turn-to-love setting? would be nice if it's the girl doing the hating at first.

In Topic: Could you recommend me a manga with toradora-like plot, please?

19 September 2013 - 10:48 PM

Just out of curiosity, you've read Hetakoi, have you read the author's previous work B-Shock? It's really, really funny............an understated romance, pretty much just a light-weight story line, but really just hilarious at times. 

Yes, when I heard that the author passed away, I try looking for another work of her (I think the author is a her right?).

B-shock is quite a fun read.