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Member Since 06 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 28 2016 06:42 PM

If you truly seek salvation, you will obey!

01 August 2012 - 06:36 AM

Hello there! Like so many before me I have discovered this site searching for manga (ToG, no less) and have now made an account to comment on my favorites. This is by far the most high quality manga site I have found so I give my thanks to Grumpy and The Company! This might be a bit long winded, so I'll highlight relevant stuff with bold.

In mangas, I like to read anything (in order of importance!) Yuri, Loli, Fantasy, Tragedy, Smut, Adventure, Action, Slice-of-Life, Seinen, Psychological. Stories that make you feel intelligent, or at least don't make you feel like a fool for reading it. I like stories that deal with complex emotions and situations, particularly tear jerkers and plain gratuitously graphic/adult material without being ecchi. Suffering of cute things always breaks my heart. The last four episodes of MadokaMagica is an hour and a half marathon of tears racing each other off the edge of my cheeks. Bittersweetness, ya? I thoroughly enjoyed the first arc of Higanbana no Saku Yoru ni, which I caught up on today and To LoveRU Darkness is bulding a nest in my heart despite my normal dismissal of harem anime. I dig manga that deal with sexual relationships so long as it isn't idiot ecchi. You know, like harem comics where the noisome lead is always oblivious of the girl most attracted to him and consistently disrepects them (Ironically, I am following more harem comics than others right now -_-; I DESIRE RECOMMENDATIONS!). I have another website I visit that specializes in yuri manga and while I find most of it boring (the same story being retold a hundred times over...), there are definitely a few diamonds in the rough. Oh, Tower of God is cool too. Anything psychological/horror (not just gore) or that has plot twists bent around believable science are great. Anything that makes you wonder in anticipation what will happen next, or better, leaves just enough clues to keep you guessing what the next major plot twist will be.

I'm a huge fan of all things MadokaMagica and Final Fantasy <3. PMMM has finally gotten me to the point where I feel I MUST learn to draw, that I might dedicate myself to my fandom in a productive way. I used to run an RPG based on Final Fantasy XIII on GFAQs before my avoidance habit kicked in. ;/ I'm sorry, guys, I shall return someday to you! Emphasis on the G as I like to handle the math and backend of the battle systems as my storywriting is quite weak. >_< If anyone here wants to team up with me to make an RPG where I will handle the battles and you will handle the story/RPing, shoot me a PM! You can check out my most recent work here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/619315-final-fantasy-xiii-2/62565659/698453385

I am all for supporting the community when I can. Lately I've been buying doujins off of doujinpress to support everyone in making love to their favorite franchises and I can't wait to start drawing my own someday. I just started learning to draw recently and with the help of an artist roommate, I think I have a lot of potential... if only I would put in the time! XD (Oh, I'm laughing now, but I basically just wasted twelve plus hours today not drawing when I had not much better to do). Perhaps when I buy a scanner later this month I'll share what I draw with you. I have a wicked sick picture of Barthandelus I've just started inking since I finished the linework.

heh, You didn't actually read all of that, did you? >_> Another long winded intro down! XD But that's what it's like dealing with me. My ego is that elephant in the sky that also monopolizes your air. As a lifetime isolationist I can be difficult to respond to at times. XD

TL;DR Y helo thar wud u liek a licking?

My name is Barthandelus. Voice of the Sanctum and Lord-Soverign of the Cocoon fal'Cie. Witness my power and introduce yourselves to me!