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Member Since 18 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Jan 16 2018 06:58 AM

#1316840 The Yaoi & Yuri Club

Posted by 「黑風影」 on 13 July 2014 - 04:25 AM

Oh, all very nice   :D


I haven't seen it, that's one I've looked for scanlations of to read and not been successful in finding. I'd like to read it, it's supposedly been scanlated but yeah, I've not found it.  >_<


Glad you like it =) The original OVA was definitely a treat to watch, especially with the seiyuu's voices like dark velvet. I can't say about the 2012 remake.

The scanlated novels could be found

Here (need register) or Here (live journal, no need register but only has vol 1-4 scanlated, not talkinng about the bonus stories for the OVA remake. The rest 5-7 was scanned, 8 wasn't scanned yet)

Here has again 1-4 translated but they are not pdf files


If you still have trouble you can just PM me =) I haven't read them yet but I heard the translation aren't too accurate from the beginning because the style of the author's writing is confusing to follow. =\

#1316044 The Yaoi & Yuri Club

Posted by 「黑風影」 on 12 July 2014 - 08:43 AM

Ohhhhh Thanks for the update svines =D Now I wait for a good subbing group.

Btw, have you seen Ai no Kusabi before? If you did, could you tell me if its worth watching the 2012 remake?

I got hooked on original OVA and drama CDs, but I can't get past the voice change for the remake (R.I.P Kaneto Shiozawa).


Homoeroticism (Yaoi) found below


#1310315 "THE BAR"

Posted by 「黑風影」 on 06 July 2014 - 07:41 PM

It is. The new generation don't frequent this thread often. I guess they don't see what the infamous generation saw in it. 

How about another performance from Kuro? +____+

That might liven things up here.



I'll join you! *summoning dance*




That looks very diabetic. I like it!

Uhhhhhh about your reque- oh hey look a customer!
*looks at the empty doorway*


*stares in to space*

.........ahha -_-;;;


I'm not getting out of this one am I? The yuri pics bribe wasn't enough XD

Alright, I shall sacrifice my squishy image all to summon the mods.


*draws a summoning circle*

Normally I would we would need an offering or a sacrifice for summoning the forbidden ones. I would offer up iccy to tempt the penguin but she seems to be no where in sight...SO IT SEEMS. So we need a new sacrifice. Any thougths of whom?


In the meanwhile

*begins summoning ritual*

( ∙_∙)

*flick a dollar coin into the jukebox*

( ∙_∙)>⌐■-■

Lets do this Khrazy!  (⌐■_■) *puts on the afro*





today i kept checking the times where i sarted posting here on batoto (about 14 months ago),

fun times if i say so myself, espicially last summer,

nowdays the forums seem dead ;_;


Hi there Alex, first time seeing you around here, is there anything I could get for you today?

Forums seems dead eh? Well, you know what they say "Calmness before a storm"

If you would like to join us in the act of necromancy that would also be appreciated. Just kindly step into this circle here...

#1309732 TRUTH or DARE !

Posted by 「黑風影」 on 06 July 2014 - 04:54 AM

Time to put an end to Kokai's little game =9


For a challenge:

I dare you to make a sound of your choice, record it and post it either on status or audio whores R Us. Without telling them what the impression of is, have people guess. The first person that guess the correct answer get something from you. Link back the results to us.


or an easier dare


Draw a potato wearing a paticular item of your choice. Post it here.

#1309724 "THE BAR"

Posted by 「黑風影」 on 06 July 2014 - 04:35 AM

I miss Dubs. He just disappeared like Pony. T^T

Yes! Those! Those are the things that the forums don't have now. The 200+ notifs that you get in just a days time. Grumpy cat put a limiter on the notifs system so after[I think] 100 or so notifs, the others don't show anymore. The most I got in 3 days was 1,300+ notifs back then. I sure miss those. They were mostly from status updates and the LPW thread though. haha.

*Drinks Smirnoff*

Kah @___@...

I remember Batoto sings, Dara and Mari, The Liencourts and Skype romances. The others I don't know. ^___^

But my opinion on who is pulling the strings around here is that it's actually Trebor and not Grumpy. :ph34r:


I haven't read that one yet. Looks like one of those hidden treasures that aren't well known but really good. +___+ I like those kinds!


Could I get another glass of Smirnoff then? 


She's very unique. ^^

Dang, Dubs. Where art thou?! We are losing too many members before we get a chance to hang out for real. Although it is probably a selfish wish, COME BACK ~ please? ;__;
Awww, I was amusing to clearing 5+ pages of new notifs XD I eventually had to clean up on the topics I follow.
Most topics i follow are still around, there is a few that was an interesting read compare to most topics in potato hell. But I'll let those grave robbers find their bury treasure.

Shhh you don't know who might be listening in on the conversation. O-o

I hope that this will quench your thrist
In memory of those missed. Enjoy Blue Violet - SMIRNOFF




Sooo delicious
*finish it all in 1 go* amazing I want more


You are quite the drinker aren't you? Glad it suits your fancy.

More coming right up.


I forgot to check some i.d. here. Uhhhh, I trust you guys are albeit crazy but good girls and boys yes?

#1309314 "THE BAR"

Posted by 「黑風影」 on 05 July 2014 - 06:43 PM

Kishishishi. You'll never find me now.

*hides behind a slim lamp pole*

6000...6999....6998....69andskip a few numbers....2346

Wait, are we playinng tag or hide and seek?


Hahaha. Lila isn't even active anymore... ;___; 

Let's drink to being single all the way!


Pat pat*

Here have a free drink and I'll even throw in a Suika to drink with you =D


#1306179 TYPE-MOON Discussions <<WARNING: SPOILERS>>

Posted by 「黑風影」 on 03 July 2014 - 08:46 AM



So cute! What's this doujin called?


The first kitty one is called "Catmix!!"  Fate/zero all character book

The second mini chibi one is called " Height approx. 120mm (servant ver.) " 01_zps6e09e310.jpg


which was the sequel to "Height approx.120mm (master ver.) so read master version first.


#1306104 TYPE-MOON Discussions <<WARNING: SPOILERS>>

Posted by 「黑風影」 on 03 July 2014 - 06:40 AM

Everyone likes shota gilgamesh :P

There is just so many ways for that guy, so many ways...
Now here is someone that is unexpectedly adorable.



#1305623 TRUTH or DARE !

Posted by 「黑風影」 on 03 July 2014 - 01:34 AM

^ Kokai, I don't know how to break it to you but man ....
the penguin is coming.
Its been nice knowing you. 


Truth just to change things up a bit.

#1304132 TYPE-MOON Discussions <<WARNING: SPOILERS>>

Posted by 「黑風影」 on 02 July 2014 - 09:03 AM

Keeping this thread alive once a month with some updates on current status.


  • Fate/Hollow Ataraxia translation project translation 100%, rechecking 75% done
  • Fate/Hollow Ataraxia (PS Vita) version will be releasing two fully voice episodes on July 18th and 20th. One episode 50 mins long called "The night of the Holy Grail War" , the other 20 mins long called "Decisive battle between the three female servants". The former will be about the holy grail war featuring Bazett and Avenger for the first time and battle scene. The latter episode is feature in a mall, with a more casual setting. 157_4.jpg
    PS Vita version also includes brand new unlockable minigames which includes fate/zero, prototype and fate/extra characters called Capsule servant (SABER I CHOOSE YOU!!)
  • Mahou Tsukai no Yoru  translation project 67.99% complete
  • More news will be release aout Fate/Stay Night anime remake by ufotable around July 28th so stick around during this time.


Stare into the depth of Angra Manyu!


No new news on Tsukihime II remake, at least not that I know of.

So while we wait I shall post this.


#1301689 Thought/Speech Clouds

Posted by 「黑風影」 on 01 July 2014 - 02:45 AM

Mortal Kombat mascot logo try-outs take-5:


#1301560 TRUTH or DARE !

Posted by 「黑風影」 on 01 July 2014 - 01:50 AM

I got this.

Give me a sec to load it.

Hope you don't mind my calligraphy.


Truth or Dare?

#1301438 Quiz: Game with words

Posted by 「黑風影」 on 01 July 2014 - 01:05 AM

Our top three guesses for your English dialect:

1. Singaporean
2. American (Standard)
3. Australian

Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1. Vietnamese
2. English
3. Chinese


.... I could understand east asian countries but why Australian O_o??? Where are you Canadaaaaa ;___; You should be in my bloodd.

  • You likes this

#1300223 Impromptu poetry!

Posted by 「黑風影」 on 30 June 2014 - 08:57 AM

Was in a pretty odd mood so I wrote this. This is probably not very poetic, but nontheless.



This is a story about a man who walks aimlessly in search for a confirmation

in a world too far to vast and desolate

Are you viewing the land or are you nothing more than sand?


His search came when he came across an oasis

in the middle of the oasis there lies a monk

Are you here to seek answers or has the path lead you here for questions?


The man eagerly approached the monk and confining the burdens within his heart

The monk only nodded his head and listen, then gave him a ceramic container and said

"What you seek lies within this hollow container. As your journey onwards you will meet many new experience... animals, plants, people and things.... the container will gradually be filled over time. However the content will only be revealed for those who've earned it."

After said that, the monk did not respond to any further inquiries.

Have you quench your parched throat or have you filled your heart to the brim? 


The perplexed man accepted the ceramic container and left onwards towards his journey.

How does one gain acceptance? How does one fill this container?

Thoughts grew at the back of his mind but only time will tell the truth.

True to those words spoken by the monk, the man on his journey found more than just empty land.

Through constantt watching and learning from his surroundings, he has grown to be quite capable.


The more abilities he had learn of others, the more heavier the container felt.

He felt that this was a sign to confirmation through his abilities he had copied

Yet at the back fo his mind, a voice would ask

Can you call these abilities your own?

If they were not then can you really call whats inside the container your own?

Fear of this answer, it began to weigh on his mind.

The moon and sun rose and fell, years went by but the container would not open.

Even till death, the man had not found his answer.


The answer was that there was nothing more than what had begun in the first place.

Was the man unworthy? Was placing his entire life on this box worth it?

Did the monk lie to him? or Was the monk trying to tell him something else?


That is up for open interpretation.

I gotta sleep, head fuzzy.

#1293559 Looking for a specific type of comic...

Posted by 「黑風影」 on 24 June 2014 - 12:27 AM

I would recommend a few I could think of but I'm pretty sure you've read most of them Katsu XD Let me know if I'm on the right track here.



Natsume Yuujinchou (anime is great as well)

Screaming Lesson

Hontoni Hontoni Hontoni Hontoni Raionta

King of Bandits Jing( you can try the prequel as well, both are not available on Batoto)

Kino no Tabi (very much recommended in anime or light novel versions but again not on Batoto as well)


Edit: Shit accidently press enter... I've got a few more to add