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Quiz: Game with words

Miscellaneous Language random

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    Baked Potato

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So, I doing this quiz, and though I will share this quiz to promote procrastination and help waste time.




Our top three guesses for your English dialect:

1. US Black Vernacular / Ebonics

2. American (Standard)

3. Canadian


Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:

1. Portuguese

2. English

3. Finnish


I find it funny how wrong it was. Though what is Standard American ? I guess going up to Canada finally rub off on me? :3 But my native language is not of the three.

Edited by Supreme_Lurker_Primo, 01 June 2014 - 03:10 AM.




    Baked Potato

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Our top three guesses for your English dialect:
1. Singaporean
2. US Black Vernacular / Ebonics
3. American (Standard)

Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1. Finnish
2. English
3. Italian

3. Singaporean is very similar to Standard American English and the two can be hard to distinguish.

Oh well~
My native language is portuguese, by the way.



Sigrún Mercy



    Savage Potato

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Our top three guesses for your English dialect:
1. South African
2. Australian
3. Canadian

Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1. English
2. Finnish
3. Russian
South African D:
I'm curious as to why Finnish and Russian are there..

Non-native English speakers rarely use Irishisms, Scottishisms, or other regionally-specific language.


Edited by You, 01 June 2014 - 03:47 AM.




    Couch Potato

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Our top three guesses for your English dialect:


1. English (UK)

2. Welsh (UK)

3. Singaporean


Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:


1. English

2. Italian

3. Spanish



nothing could be further from the truth... my dialect is american english and my native language is chinese



    Fried Potato

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too lazy to change fonts.
Our top three guesses for your English dialect:

1. American (Standard)
2. Canadian
3. Singaporean


Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1. English
2. Spanish
3. Italian


haha. interesting. Wouldn't be surprising considering the elementary school was named after an American president. Though use of 'u' in colour and other, ftw.

Interesting guesses for the native languages. Latin base other than the English one... hm...

Edited by Icee, 01 June 2014 - 03:59 AM.

IM or it's for naught



    Potato Spud

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Here's mine:
Our top three guesses for your English dialect:
1. Singaporean
2. Australian
3. English (UK)
Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1. English
2. Italian
3. Spanish


Hmmm seems accurate enough since the Philippines was occupied by spaniards before some spanish terminologies stayed...  And in all honesty because of some influences of education i may have nitpicked on the answers carefully


Good Emperor Late

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    Russet Potato

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Our top three guesses for your English dialect:
1. US Black Vernacular / Ebonics
2. Australian
3. Singaporean
Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1. Finnish
2. Dutch
3. Spanish
So many gettin finnish. tho its true on my case

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    Couch Potato

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ruka's results -


English dialect:

1. Australian

2. Singaporean

3. English (UK)


Native language:

1. Italian

2. Finnish

3. English


which is totally wrong ofc XD


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    Russet Potato

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"Our top three guesses for your English dialect:
1. American (Standard)
2. Canadian
3. South African"
South African...?
"Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1. English
2. Russian
3. Dutch"
Spanish didn't show up at all.. :[

Edited by shelly, 01 June 2014 - 05:51 AM.



    Baked Potato

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Our top three guesses for your English dialect:

1. American (Standard)
2. Canadian
3. Singaporean


Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:

1. English
2. Russian
3. German


First guesses are correct. I also learned German as a toddler, so . . . Where Russian comes in I have no clue.



    Baked Potato

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Our top three guesses for your English dialect:
1. American (Standard)
2. Canadian
3. US Black Vernacular / Ebonics

Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1. English
2. Dutch
3. German



    Cute Potato

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Our top three guesses for your English dialect:
1. American (Standard)
2. US Black Vernacular / Ebonics
3. Australian

Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1. English
2. Finnish
3. Italian


Meh. How does this even work? I thought they might ask me to speak or sth.

I T ' S   O N L Y   F U N   I F   T H E Y   R U N



    Fingerling Potato

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Welp. I'm australian and english is my first language. So there we go.



    Baked Potato

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Our top three guesses for your English dialect:
1. American (Standard)
2. US Black Vernacular / Ebonics
3. Australian

Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1. English
2. Finnish
3. Italian


Meh. How does this even work? I thought they might ask me to speak or sth.

The use of prepositions and articles vary among dialects of English, and to some extent pronouns and verb tenses. Classic example: Americans wait "in line", whereas queued up Brits wait "on line." Ebonics tends to drop parts of verbs: "where you live?" versus "where do you live?" Scots is a quasi-independent Anglo-Danish language, with strong overlays from Norman French and English conquerors. It has different vocabulary and a somewhat different adaptation/simplification of Germanic grammar than English. I can say from personal experience that it is only partially intelligible to a speaker of American English. (Scots itself isn't included in the study.) Because of the history of immigration (and deportations) Anglo-Irish and Scottish constructions tend to be relatively well represented in Australia, New Zealand (northern Ireland), and the interior highlands of North America (e.g., hillbilly speech represented in American country music)--and, of course, in the English spoken in Scotland, Ireland and northern England.


People are also more likely to think English sentences correct which have structure similar to sentences in their native language, or ignore differences which are not marked in their native languages. For example, some Asian languages don't have different verb + article forms to mark agreement in number with the subject, and thus those native speakers find it harder to learn English conventions for subject-verb-object agreement in number. The cartoons at the beginning of the quiz seemed mostly directed at subject-verb-object ordering, which differ among languages. Somewhere on the site I thought I saw the claim that native English speakers are more tolerant of Scottishisms and Irish dialect than people who learned English as a second language.


The "guesses" use multivariate distance measures and clouds of answers for people from known linguistic groups. They calculate the distance between your answers and the various clusters. As the cluster-distance results aren't updated automatically, people from groups not well-represented in their initial/earlier sample (e.g., native Chinese speakers) will have shortest distances to other groups reported. The researchers will probably update their "Grammars of English" similarity-distance results and graphics after a planned number of subjects have participated in the study.



    Fried Potato

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Our top three guesses for your English dialect:
1. American (Standard)
2. Singaporean
3. US Black Vernacular / Ebonics
Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1. English
2. Norwegian
3. Dutch

Edited by osakaki, 04 June 2014 - 06:56 AM.



    Baked Potato

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Our top three guesses for your English dialect:
1. US Black Vernacular / Ebonics
2. American (Standard)
3. Singaporean

Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1. Norwegian
2. Dutch
3. English

not too bad, really. apparently i'm rather standard in the way i type english.
あっ ちょっと死んじまった



    Fried Potato

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Our top three guesses for your English dialect:
1. New Zealandish
2. Singaporean
3. Australian

Pretty close. I do use singaporean dialect.



Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:
1. Italian
2. Romanian
3. Finnish

But this part is way off XD



    Oui Purée

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Our top three guesses for your English dialect:

1. Singaporean

2. US Black Vernacular / Ebonics

3. New Zealandish


Our top three guesses for your native (first) language:

1. Italian

2. Finnish

3. Romanian


Hmmm, ok... And here I thought my english dialect was American >_>




    Fried Potato

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ayy there, fellow singaporean dialect user o/