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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Sleepy Dale

Sleepy Dale

Member Since 21 Feb 2016
Offline Last Active Jan 10 2018 03:32 AM

In Topic: Are there any other administrators who can look at contributor requests?

09 September 2016 - 10:00 PM

Yes, I was aware of approvals/refusals being handled by contributor mods instead of administrators. I was speaking—although confusingly—in regards to timely uploads of group releases, since I've seen readers asking staff for releases because they prefer them to be uploaded on Batoto. There are others that don't realize series have been updated, because they only follow updates here.


For groups that release in batches and rely on this hosting platform, there might be some reader impatience, I guess (ie. announcement time vs. availability to read online)? I do appreciate the work the mods have done, though. Good job to everyone~


Also, I had seen that announcement previously, so it's good to know that things are still being discussed and that there's a plan in the works. Thank you so much!

In Topic: Why were Tensai Family Company chapters deleted?

09 September 2016 - 09:40 PM

I'm not sure, but all of their releases uploaded to Batoto have been under Eien Scans for awhile now, instead of the former, longer name. Maybe that's why the delay was there—to prevent people from using that group? I don't think anyone has used the longer version of their name for uploads recently (incl. myself). Unless I did it on accident, then oops. 
Thanks for all the help and for restoring the chapters! Could you update the groups to "Eien Scans" instead, so the releases are all together? I only have permissions to edit my own, so lol.