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Member Since 14 Jan 2016
Offline Last Active Jun 21 2017 08:31 AM

[ANSWERED] Trying to find this manga so hard

14 June 2017 - 10:30 AM

I have some memory issue


i only remember the part of the manga


basically MC was a high school boy , when he got home, he read the note that was sticked in the refrigator/drawer(i think) saying "mom and dad was taking honey moon/vacation trip to england for 6 months, expect some good souvenir ^^ ". 


The MC was then say "how in the world my parents let me lives alone for 6 months, oh well it's does not matter for me


after that i forgot what happened............ i don't know what genre is this manga, seeing the MC lives alone maybe something cliche will happens ? someone lives in his house or what ?


EDIT : stratch that, i managed to found it, dunno why my friend was a fan of kachou maid sama and told me it was one shot of it's manga called Kono Mama ja dame mitai desu



Guys who had everything but terrible with love

09 October 2016 - 06:22 AM

This guy was a high school student

smart, good looking, athletic, and an heir to a big company

but he had one problem, he was so nervous, akward with love

dunno why he was;nt popular and the story was his struggling on getting girl friend

hmm i think the manga name is kinda weird


this was a shounen manga i think and a comedic one


feels like this guy can get a girl friend if he want but he had otaku mentalty that can't deal with girl

Manga about weak little boy who becomes heroes...

24 June 2016 - 11:04 AM

Hmm the story is about a little weak boy(around 12-14 years old) , he had big sister

basically the little boy been bullied as weak by other child and being helped by his childhood friend ( a girl)

in the end , there's some sort like dunno , all people gathered in one big pit in a valley(subjugating monsters i guess), fighting many monsters and the little girl parcipate in it because she want become strong heroes. I think this was a test to pick and become a heroes or great knight maybe.

basically the little boy come to help when the little girl nearly slashed by a big monster, the little boy suddenly got? a sword and swing it, bam killing the big boss monster instantly

and then the first chapter ended, btw it seems the little boy had blood line of legendary heroes because it seems the big sister worried about him and say " fate huh"

it had been 6 years i guess and i want to re-read it again


btw the setting seems in like normal fantasy manga, a boy live in a village like in the medieval era

can someone tell me what it is ?