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Member Since 22 May 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2018 12:03 PM

In Topic: New manga site like bato.to

10 January 2018 - 12:03 PM

Saw a comment on reddit discussing Batoto shutting down which might help you out with getting an idea of how the artwork looks on mangaupdates. There were also some other useful scripts for MU mentioned earlier.

Ow wow tnx for that  :D
That looks very useful!
I will definitely look at the links in more detail when I get back home.

In Topic: CS guy here willing to keep site running... how get in touch with Grumpy?

10 January 2018 - 11:58 AM

If your serious about this and will continue in the same way grumpy has run things then I wish you all the best of luck!
I <3 Batoto and I would hate to see this site come to an end so if somebody can and will pick up baton then all the beter :D

In Topic: New manga site like bato.to

10 January 2018 - 08:07 AM

I'm also looking for a site like this(though I think everyone is); but if it helps, here are some sites you SHOULDN'T go to. The ones I heard about, I heard about through yahoo answers or reddit threads.

Mangad*ep- Has malware ads, but aren't very obtrusive. Probably best bet so far; thanks kingpipot89!

Mangap*nda- has instant redirects and pop-ups. For me it was completely unusable.

Mangastre*m- heard it has exactly the same problems as Mangap*nda.

Mangare*der- has same problems as aforementioned sites.

Mangah*re- heard it has malware ads and redirects.

Mang*go- has malware ads and redirects.

Kis*manga- has alware ads and horrible navigation that causes you to click them unintentionally. Also redirects.

Mangaf*x- Has malware ads and pop-ups.

Onem*nga- heard it has malware ads and redirects.

Mangap*rk- obtrusive malware ads.

Thespe*trum- has malware ads and redirects.

I'm updating this as I find or remember more sites. Also, most of these sites are still usable with the proper ad-blocks, I personally would just rather stay away from sites that try to give you viruses( or affiliate with ad companies who do the same).

This list is nice and all but I think these are actually the only alternatives to bato.to at this moment? If you are looking for a site with a collection of manga. So the only other option would be to check the daily releases at mangaupdates and then find the scanlation site itself. Personally I pref they way bato.to did it with the small thumbnails because I could always get an idea of the artwork and whats the story about when looking for new manga to read. Having to go back to scanning all the titles on the mangaupdates release page and checking random titles for new manga is gonna be so tiring everyday :(

EDIT: Does Onem*nga still exist in some way? As far as I know that site doesn't exist anymore???

In Topic: Batoto will be closing permanently

09 January 2018 - 06:12 PM

Wow so sad to hear this. I just wanne say I love this site because unlike other websites that collect manga and get money of it you guys did things semi-legal (scanlation is still a grey area). I been a member for 6 years and this has always been my pref site to go to for manga. I would check and read here everday because of the great collection and follow feature. I guess I will have to find a new site where I can read :( anybody got any recommendations?
I wish you all the best though.