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Member Since 22 May 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 01 2018 10:53 PM

#1712105 Next page not loading.

Posted by Doomded on 28 January 2016 - 05:35 AM

It's not anything catastrophic, but I have had this issue on and off for a couple of days now: When I click on the image or the next page button, the address bar immediately changes and the browser acts like the next page has already loaded, but the page doesn't actually change. I usually have to refresh to get it to load the correct page, but sometimes if I wait a while (usually at least 60 seconds) it will show the page eventually. 


It happens randomly regardless of what manga I'm reading or what page I'm on. Sometimes I'll get through 20-30 pages without it happening, and sometimes it happens for 3 or 4 pages in a row. Sometimes I re-try pages where I know it happened and it works perfectly.


I use Chrome and I have already tried disabling and re-enabling all extensions, clearing my cache and history, and I have even restarted my computer. It doesn't happen on any other site I visit, so I'm pretty sure that it's not a problem on my end, but I also wouldn't be surprised if it was something my asshat of an ISP is doing.


Attached image shows the bottom of page 17 of chapter 110 of Jitsu wa Watashi wa, but the address bar says I'm already at page 18, with no indications that it is still loading or waiting on a response from the server. It sat like this for at least 3 minutes before I got impatient and refreshed the page.

Attached File  Batoto issue.png   584.79KB   0 downloads