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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 25 Nov 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 30 2018 12:48 AM

In Topic: AO - New World

01 March 2016 - 07:35 AM

Valley of Heroes, Arral Pass


"For the Dark Lord!," Lil' Peppercorn smirked as the gas began to enveloped the opposing party. She thought that it was pretty funny to pay tribute to the Dark Lord considering no one knew anything about him/her/it but it was pretty fitting to do so. After all it was the Dark Lord that caused everyone to be stuck within AO, hence a new life (away from real life) so why not give thanks to the one responsible. However as she was pondering so, she had failed to notice two members of the opposing party was able to react fast and avoid the spell, until it was to late. The two had already climbed up the cliff and was charging at Lil' Peppercorn. Her first reaction was to run... fast and towards her party members for protection, which was practically what would happen if it was in real life.


However, If she ran she would be squandering this new beginning that was presented to her by the Dark Lord, might as well return back to the real life and get pushed around, bullied for the rest of her life. NO! The Dark Lord had given her a new life in AO, thought the girl. She knew she had to fight or at least try. She stepped towards the edge of the cliff with her dagger out as if ready to fight. But how? Lil Peppercorn had new been in a real fight by herself. Always the victim.


"STOP!" she screamed at them, as if she could hit the pause button and the game but the two kept coming towards her. She needed more time to think about what she fight back. Instinctively she then cast a spell towards the enemy who was nearest to her; "Paralysis!" Without pausing she did whatever that came to mind first which was to get away from the second person coming at her. Mustering up all her courage she charged back at the enemy she had cast the spell on, hoping to throw both the enemy and herself off the cliff keeping the person underneath her to break her fall.





In Topic: [OOC] AO - New World

16 February 2016 - 03:46 AM

Posted. Eh... what's going on? imnostrong is on the other team!

In Topic: AO - New World

16 February 2016 - 03:43 AM

Valley of Heroes, Aral Pass


Crouched between boulders on top a cliff, Lil'Peppercorn waited, still pondering about the recent events. "How long has it been since getting stuck here?", she wondered. Probably hours or maybe more but that's all good (skipped school, YEAH!). It's wasn't like anyone would miss her, not here parents nor those brats at school. The thought of just going back to school made her blood boil.

She also thought about the whole 'Dark Lord Event'. From what info she had gathered from other players in the sanctuary was that this was event was a planned one, some rumours suggest the work of a super hacker, which was plausible. She was certain that AO's publisher would never resort to 'kidnaping' thousands of people, after all it would be bad for business. Whatever rumor it was, nothing seemed tangible. No one seemed to know anything. She had really wanted to meet the Dark Lord.

Keep playing most said, Only way to find out is to keep playing and move further out of haven. That of course lead to the next rumor; The Guardians. From what she heard, discovering one would lead to great rewards. No one was certain What reward the guardians would grant but that was enough to get everyone out into the fields again. This lead to lil'Peppercorn joining up with Midas and his party, where their search for the Guardians would bring them to Aral Pass to meet a man named Ryder.

Midas had apparently acquired the services of a brute named Ryder for information regarding the location of the Guardian to Terra. You can't trust him, thought Lil'Peppercorn, Trust no one! In the real world, everyone steps on each other just to get forward. Even the weak will not come to your aid. It's a dog eat dog world back there, why would it be any different here even if it was just a game.

Trust no one!

"Don't trust Midas too", thought the girl as she waited secretly, between the boulders on top of Aral Pass, for the deal between Midas and Ryder to conclude. Lil' Peppercorn and a few others were there hiding too as a precaution for a double cross. Sure enough, the signal to attack was given by Midas. Ryder's betrayal was obvious. Emerging out from the boulders, Lil'Peppercorn counted 9 others facing off against Midas and his friend Button. Though they had the numbers but Midas's party had the element of surprise.

On the get-go an older guy from the group leaped down from the cliff, charging at Ryder's men. Lil'Peppercorn wasn't like that, she hated confrontations. If it was anything that she had learnt in highschool was that it was better to avoid confrontations if you could. For now she would stay up there on the cliffs, besides her skills were better suited to support others.

"Death Wind!" cast Lil' Peppercorn at the Ryders' group. Making sure the radius of her spell would not effect her members of her party. She then stayed behind her party ready to cast her other spell, paralyze, on anyone who would come close enough to be a real threat. Though Ryders' men would most probably escape, The thick poisonous gas would soften them up, just enough for Midas and the other party members to deal with them.



In Topic: [Info] AO - New World

10 February 2016 - 01:31 AM


In Topic: [OOC] AO - New World

06 February 2016 - 02:45 PM

Finally found some time to edit my CS. 

