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Member Since 29 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 19 2018 10:35 PM

#1796896 Emergency maintenance - 2017/06/09

Posted by Grumpy on 09 June 2017 - 04:52 AM

So I've been posting bits and pieces on the twitter and twitter is just so darn short...
Batoto runs on number of servers and there's one main server that's at the helm of all other servers. It controls what processing goes where, balances the load and handles certain key features including uploads.
I may be over personifying, but every computer/server has a personality. And you tend to see it more when you push it to the max. This main server has been finicky for quite some time. Sometimes it doesn't boot up right... Sometimes when it's pushed to extremes, it just starts being an ass. It's always made my maintenance longer than expected and a large reason to a huge chunk of downtime in percentage. 
Like the last tweet on May 17th (part1 part2) was about this server too. Whether it was intentional DDoS or a swarm of haywire bots (they happen surprisingly often... *cough* baidu *cough*), I didn't bother to investigate, but that ignited the jerkwad mode and the precipice of downtime. About 70%+ of my time sink and downtime was due to that. Historically, that wasn't even the worst event, but I don't intend to start another story time. Generally, after much effort, it goes back to being normal.
Today though... It just went poof. With no visible cause. Rather, it was it going poof that made me think it was having abnormal traffic as the outflow was off because it wasn't juggling the load properly.
It's still running. And throwing no errors. No error logs relating to hardware. Temperatures fine. etc. Everything says it's fine. But it's running at like 1/10th of the speed. And no matter how much I try to console it, doesn't seem to change.
So, I took the last resort and signed a new server entirely. Hooked everything up. And this is how performance has been restored now. (Would appreciate some donations. Actually not behind much since I'll be cancelling the previous later and I stick with monthly contracts.)
The main server is doing very little right now and adding even a tiny bit more would make it cry again.
The new server still needs to be handed over more of less demanding but still numerous tasks including handling of uploads (which is next in priority) (upload now complete). Once all of that is done, it will be the new main server. Do expect some minor down times as I still progress with this. But we should generally be online without super lag we've been seeing all day.
I'll keep y'all updated with any significant progress.