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Member Since 06 Mar 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 22 2018 04:10 PM

In Topic: Better servers, option for searching authors names, etc.

08 March 2012 - 02:02 PM

1. I don't know what you mean by "better server" or "remove the watermark." This is far too non-specific.
2. This already exists. I don't know what you're referring to when you say "full name EXACTLY." Please be more specific.
3. Yes.
4. Different themes aren't high priority, though I believe we'll probably add more in eventually.
5. This will not happen. We already have a preview, but you need to click the blue i icon; it will not automatically pop up. This was a conscious design choice.

2. He probably means a link with the authors name which you click and get all the manga he made.
3. You get a good search if you search from the comics tab.
5. This icon is only displayed on the homepage, not in the manga list or when searching.

^This. I don't see any blue "i" icon when I'm searching for manga I want to read, the preview icon in the manga list wound be REALLY helpful.

And please add some "update" icon in the manga list too,it will be much easier to look for the new chapter that I have yet to read.

In Topic: What made you switch over to Batoto; What got you to stay? And do you switch...

06 March 2012 - 03:29 PM

Hi there,I'm new to the forum. I'm just wondering do you guys completely abandoned other sites like MF.

Sorry to say this but it's quite hard for me to switch,I just happen know after reading this that MF is s***.

But I think you guys have to admit that their features are superior,like the their search engine. They have more genres,

they do have much faster update for mangas (I know I can just go to the scanlator's site but some mangas have

many different scanlators). Faster update for manga is quite a problem for me,just now I look at Rosario+Vampire season 2

in Batoto doesn't have Ch.51 yet while MF has it already.

I hope that Batoto will improve the website for the better so people would slowly change from MF to here(like me but I still have to check

on both sites,sorry) because they will surely notice the translator's notes about MF,but will they switch or not just take time.

At first I just dropped this matter(I was ignorant) but after seeing more and more made me wonder and google it to found the truth.

PS.I'm not a native English speaker so sorry for that.

Ps.2 You guys cal correct me if anything I said is wrong :blink: