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Member Since 13 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 08 2018 07:12 PM

#959450 What do you think about Ecchi?

Posted by Arlo on 09 November 2013 - 10:12 PM

First, I'm greatly amused by the contradiction between your username and your bludgeoning insistence that other people tell you what they like/don't like/find of merit/don't find of merit regarding ecchi.  If you - the only being that you're certain exists in the universe anyway - don't find merit in ecchi manga, then don't read ecchi manga.  That seems pretty simple, really, and I'm not even quite sure why a solipsist would be concerned at all about what theoretical other people think or don't think about the subject.


Now - as long as I'm here, since you're asking (and I'll freely admit right off that I didn't wade through everything you've posted here, so I have no idea how this might or might not jibe with what you've posted beyond the OP):


Yes - plots sometimes, arguably often, suffer as a result of a focus on ecchi.  I mostly don't care.  If I'm in the mood for something ecchi, it's because I find sexual stimulation to be pleasurable, and that's what I'm looking for, so the primary measure of the merit of the manga is how well it serves that purpose.  If the girls are hot, then it's done its job.  The plot, what there might be of it, is secondary anyway.  If, on the other hand, I'm looking for something with a plot, I read something with a plot.  I don't see any conflict between those two things, just as I don't see any conflict between the fact that sometimes I crave pizza and other times I crave ice cream.  When I crave pizza, there's pizza to be had - I'm certainly not going to waste my time complaining because this ice cream over here is ice cream instead of pizza - I'm just going to go get some pizza and save the ice cream for when I'm in the mood for ice cream.   


Back to manga - most often, ecchi is pretty much the point, and what little plot there might be is just an excuse for the ecchi.  That's usually fine (refer back to the pizza vs. ice cream bit).  Sometimes the ecchi is particularly painfully contrived - to the point that I find the manga pretty much unreadable.  If that's the case, I don't read it.  Problem solved.  And it's certainly true that there are a number of manga that would be better if they invested more time in the plot and less in the ecchi, which is particularly noticeable with titles (like HSDK) that transitioned from plot>ecchi to ecchi>plot.  That's sort of the way it goes.  It's disappointing, but the world's an imperfect place.


And, very rarely I'd say, there are manga that manage to include ecchi fairly seamlessly.  Yes - that's not terribly common, but neither is a thing that combines the best parts of pizza and ice cream.  I don't set my expectations that high, so I'm not disappointed when they're predictably not met, and pleasantly surprised when they are.


Enjoyable ecchi?


Probably the first best example I can think of is My Lovely Ghost Kana.  Even beyond the (tasteful but relatively explicit) sex scenes, Kana is exceedingly easy on the eyes.  It's also unquestionably one of the most brilliantly well-written manga I've ever read.  Full stop.  The ecchi isn't really central to the story, and is thus a bit distracting, but in spite of my culturally ingrained aversion to explicit depictions of sexual congress (and privately adopted and exceedingly common fascination with same), I neither mind them nor are inflamed by them.  Ultimately they're just there, and they do serve some purpose in the story, since they highlight both the passion of their relationship and the realities of her situation.


A completely different example of a manga in which I found the ecchi wholly acceptable conceptually is Yomeiro-Choice.  It's completely different, in that the ecchi is wholly egregious and there's often virtually no plot other than whatever might be necessary to provide some colorable justification for the ecchi.  The difference is that the entire series is satirical, so (since you appear to be fond of TVTropes tropes) every one of those terribly transparent and shallow setups to cliched ecchi is lampshaded, so the transparency and shallowness becomes part of the point of the whole thing, and ultimately adds to the humor.  Unless one doesn't appreciate satire, in which case it's much better avoided.


I personally like the way that Mizukami Satoshi handles ecchi.  One certainly couldn't complain that Hoshi no Samidare or Spirit Circle suffer for any lack of plot complexity, yet they both take opportunities to slip in ecchi here and there, and I much appreciate it.  I guess it's a bit egregious, but only because the real world doesn't offer panty shots quite as often.  But it's really not much different from the real world - the people are busy doing all the things that they're doing and the story is advancing and we're getting ever more involved and hey blammo! there's a panty shot.  Score.  And the story just keeps on going.


Another, more standard ecchi series I don't mind much is Trinity Seven.  An awful lot of it really is just an excuse to show the girls in various stages of undress, but it's actually a plot point, so it doesn't really suffer as a result.  And honestly, if it wasn't for the ecchi, I don't think I'd bother reading it, since I'm just not that interested in yet another guy at magic school manga, even if the guy is notably more confident and powerful than the norm.


Beyond that, there's a goodly amount of ecchi on my follows list.  Again, I happen to find sexual stimulation pleasurable and I don't begrudge myself that.  I'm sure there are others that I think manage to do at least a reasonbly good job of balancing ecchi with plot so they don't end up too painfully shallow and contrived, but I'm equally sure that there are probably many more that really are painfully shallow and contrived and really are nothing more than feeble excuses for ecchi.  I simply don't mind.

#915055 Scenes in manga that have made you burst out laughing

Posted by Arlo on 02 October 2013 - 02:44 AM

Wakabayashi Toshiya’s 4-koma Collection




#905185 Scenes in manga that have made you burst out laughing

Posted by Arlo on 23 September 2013 - 06:35 PM





The Voynich Hotel

(A bit NSFW)


#888744 Looking For Works with Cuteness Overload!

Posted by Arlo on 12 September 2013 - 01:30 AM

Only a few that I know of that aren't already listed, but as long as I'm posting, I'm going to second the recommendation for Gokicha!!  Also:

Kyou Curry!

Papa no Iukoto wo Kikinasai! -Mark of the Rabbit



#581035 Clean/Detailed/Interesting Art

Posted by Arlo on 05 March 2013 - 08:33 PM

It's sort of an acquired taste, but I recommend Oniichan no Koto Nanka Zenzen Suki ja Nai n da kara ne!!
It took me a while to notice it, since the first thing that stands out is the oddly proportioned characters, but the art is actually very impressive. It is a very distinct style though, so there's no telling who it will appeal to and who it won't.

#423837 Promote your favorite manga(s) using 1 picture.

Posted by Arlo on 12 November 2012 - 12:25 AM

Spirit Circle


#422046 Promote your favorite manga(s) using 1 picture.

Posted by Arlo on 10 November 2012 - 03:55 AM

Danshi Toilet de Machiawase


#416377 Scenes in manga that have made you burst out laughing

Posted by Arlo on 04 November 2012 - 06:45 PM

Tonari no Seki-kun has made me laugh out loud repeatedly, but this scene, from the latest chapter, really got to me. It might need the context of the rest of the chapter to really make sense though...)


#406401 Need Psycological manga

Posted by Arlo on 25 October 2012 - 01:55 AM

Neither's like Death Note specifically, but both are psychological and highly recommended:

Aku no Hana

#397904 WW3

Posted by Arlo on 20 October 2012 - 10:16 PM

This is false...
Wars are one of the most profitable situations and why would not anyone take advantage of that.

Actually wars are one of the most expensive investments, that usually doesn't return much profit.

Umm... no.

Yes - the taxpayers don't profit much (if at all) from wars and yes - they're the ones footing the bill, but taxpayers count for exactly nothing in the grand scheme of things. War is enormously profitable for the war industry, and the war industry pours hundreds of millions of dollars from those profits into political campaigns, which means that it's also enormously profitable for politicians. And since the politicians have the power to wage war (to funnel money to the war industry) and the war industry actively promotes the politicians who give it the most money (by funneling part of that money back to the politicians), they form a closed loop in which all parties benefit. The fact that the people don't benefit means nothing at all, since the people don't have any power anyway.

That said, WW3 is highly unlikely. That'd be akin to a rancher slaughtering his entire herd. It's just bad strategy. Constant lesser wars are far more profitable in the long run, so that's what we will continue to have.

#386340 NTR - Why You Don´t Like It and How To Enjoy It!

Posted by Arlo on 13 October 2012 - 03:07 AM

As they say, to each their own, but for me, it doesn't matter which character I might try to relate to, since it combines three stereotype characters, ALL of whom I hate - the weak and powerless male, the cruel and self-involved male and the brainless, slutty female. I have absolutely no desire to see any part of the lives of ANY of them.

#279943 Harem+Comedy with awesome MC

Posted by Arlo on 28 July 2012 - 10:00 PM

My first thoughts were, not surprisingly, Trinity Seven and Tsuki Tsuki! - probably the two most awesome harem MCs yet. Most of the others I might've mentioned have already been listed, but:

Umi no Misaki - Nagi's not as awesome as Arata, but pretty much nobody is as awesome as Arata. Still though...
Again!! - is shaping up to be a harem. It remains to be seen how awesome Imamura might turn out to actually be, but he's got a lot of potential.
Kemeko Deluxe! - Sanpeita doesn't seem particularly awesome at all... even though he is. He just doesn't know it yet.

#237087 The one and only!!

Posted by Arlo on 23 June 2012 - 12:28 AM

Itoshi no Kana (My Lovely Ghost Kana)

It's not here, nor, I expect, will it be, since it has some relatively overt sex scenes. It's not hentai though - it's not even really particularly ecchi. It's about a young couple in love (one of whom happens to be a ghost), and they do the things that a young couple in love do, which includes having sex.

It's beautifully written and drawn, and just a great story.

#211953 Upgraded "Random?"

Posted by Arlo on 25 May 2012 - 06:22 PM

I keep thinking it would be nice if we could limit random titles a bit - something like the "include" and "exclude" toggles on the Advanced Search page. I like browsing with Random when I don't have anything else that's currently got my attention, but I end up going to too many titles that are of genres in which I'm just not interested.

I'm not sure if it would work better as an addition to the existing "Random" feature or as an alternative to "Search" on the Advanced Search page, or really if it would work at all, or be worth it if it would, but still....

#205331 funniest manga you've read

Posted by Arlo on 18 May 2012 - 08:22 PM

Well... even though it's so well known, I still have to say that nothing has ever made me laugh more and harder than Yotsuba&!

The funniest thing I've read recently is Non Non Biyori. I really wish there were more chapters available.

Others, most already mentioned: K-ON!, Nichijou, Ichigo Mashimaro, Yomeiro Choice, D-FRAG!, Kill Me Baby, Dr. Slump....