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Member Since 04 May 2015
Offline Last Active Aug 16 2020 01:54 AM

In Topic: New manga site like bato.to

17 January 2018 - 10:43 PM

Nope nz worse place to do it read up on the law here, most famous one is Kim Dotcom yes he broke our copy right laws. They have pretty strict laws with hosting in nz. They are more relaxed on viewing content but are starting to move to make that harder too.

You have no idea how Manga licensing works do you?


Unless some corporation in New Zealand has licensed the manga in question you aren't actually going to be breaking any New Zealand copyright laws.

Our site is ready: https://mangadex.com/


I was able to code this very quickly as there is a lot of overlap with AniDex.


All the essential functions are now complete. Improvements to the site will be coming in the days ahead, as I get more user feedback.

Any chance you can add a way to upload the favorite list from Batato so we don't have to manually re-enter every single one?

In Topic: New manga site like bato.to

16 January 2018 - 09:35 PM

That only solves one problem. I live in the US, and regardless of where the server is the person running the company or website in question will get targeted (or, at least in my case, that's what happens). Nuisance suits are a pain but I (and I assume others in the US) can't afford to ignore them. I'd be interested in hearing about what legal ways exist to mitigate those issues, though.

EDIT: due to the site I was running, it's possible that its contents made me a higher profile target than normal, in which cases... I guess New Zealand can work for a lot of people.

Actually it solves 3 out of 4, at least in concerns to anime and manga.


And nuisance lawsuits are illegal.

In Topic: New manga site like bato.to

16 January 2018 - 03:28 AM

The technical portions of a replicating bato.to are within the skillset of many developers, I like to think (I have several years experience, so I might be overestimating skill levels here). The bigger problems are nontechnical:


- DMCA form letters

- Cease and Desist orders from lawyers.

- The occasional lawsuit.

- Having to sort through server hosts to find one who won't fold at the first whiff of a legal problem.

You realize you can just host in a country like New Zealand and avoid all of that right?

In Topic: Batoto will be closing permanently

14 January 2018 - 07:23 PM

Ditto. Well... at least I did until the response to people pleading for a chance to buy the site and keep running it was an announcement that the domain only was going to be auctioned. It's not far very afield from "Yeah no, I'd rather sell the leftover clicks to the spammers. Have fun with that idea."


No one wants to make Grumpy continue bearing an impossible self-imposed burden. But it's more complicated when after starting a town on one's own land, while others move in and build the actual homes, a person would rather burn it to the ground than sell the land.

Pretty much, and the fact is people get angry if you burn down their homes and business's.


Best case scenario, he gets a few angry letters/emails, worst case he's looking at something that will need him to get the police involved. :(

In Topic: Batoto will be closing permanently

14 January 2018 - 04:42 AM

I feel really bad for Grumpy, because speaking from experience burning something as heavily used as Bato.to down never ends well.