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Member Since 09 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2018 12:46 PM

In Topic: Last book you completed

12 April 2012 - 06:14 PM

A wise mans fear by Patrick Rothfuss I've read 30 books so far this year

In Topic: League of Legends Discussion

30 March 2012 - 10:29 AM

boots+pots ftw

In Topic: Re: Emergency Announcement: Google Adsense

25 March 2012 - 01:08 AM

that's not why somemanga went down and you know that

i do, but its the reason we closed regisrations and had to go with donations and shit, and then wutz didn't feel like doing that anymore, it's not the whole reason but it definitely played a part in killing the site.

The reason SM ads got shut down was due to copyright infringement though , so it was bound to happen here eventually either way.

are you talking about the admin kicking everyone out or at what just happened a month or so ago?

It was just the server going off.

In Topic: Visual Novels

24 March 2012 - 10:49 AM

Well since it doesn't have an official English version, you're either going to have to import it or "acquire" it through other means. Mirror Moon has an easily available English patch on their website though, so no worries about getting the translation. As for F/SN itself...it's very highly regarded, there's no arguing that, but it's sort of hard to call it "the king". There are lots of different types of VNs. As far as fantasy action stories go, F/SN probably is king. (I haven't played a whole lot in that genre, but that's certainly how it seems to me.) But if your tastes lean more towards romances for example, or maybe mysteries, then there are other VNs that could certainly trump F/SN...but it's definitely a great starting point! Putting any of its flaws aside, it's got a nice balance of action, comedy, and romance, which I think gives a good introduction to do different ways VNs can be enjoyed.

Going to say it again :P Fate is good but it is the vn that gets overrated the most.

Don't know the proper terminology for the random differences in routes,(example: If you eat a hamburger for lunch zombie dinosaurs rise all over the earth, If you eat a pizza Earth gets invaded by pediatric snails.) but those things bug me, and ive probably said this 3 times in this thread before but I'm too lazy to check
edit: complained about it on the previous page, i'll do it again on page 8

Is Katawa Shoujo really that good?

Katawa shoujo is different than the norm and the content and quality is enough to put a lot of commercial titles to shame.

I've got a bunch of VN's to play that wouldnt work on my corrupt win7 install... can't remember the names *sigh*

The things that have been suggested are already installed :P (If translated)

In Topic: Re: Emergency Announcement: Google Adsense

24 March 2012 - 10:37 AM

Pretty much the same thing happened to somemanga a year ago, now the sites dead...