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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 08 Apr 2015
Offline Last Active Dec 24 2016 07:17 AM

Historical Mangas?

19 November 2015 - 04:55 AM

hello! well um being a big fan of historical mangas (manhwas and manhuas included) ive had my fair share of them and was wondering if anyone had some good recommendations thx in advance

Bored .-. recommendations?

12 April 2015 - 05:20 AM

Hi! Right now I'm trying to find some good movies to watch but I don't know that many .-. so can any of you guys recommend something? I don't like horror or anything like sexual but I like comedy, romance, family, idk just anything that can make me laugh a lot


I know that it's kind of a waste to make a whole new topic but yeah lol

Requests (What do YOU want?)

11 April 2015 - 05:05 AM

Hellooooo Batotonians! (lol that sounds weird XD)


I'm from Mystic Iris and well...not that we are bored or anything but...if any of you readers out there want to read a certain manga but can't speak the language...REQUEST IT XD 


Although MI has enough projects of our own, we also want to please our readers. If you have a certain manga in mind that has NOT been scanlated by another group (unless it was dropped of course) OR NOT LICENSED feel free to request it. HOWEVER, (lol there's always that but or however) we will only take up the project if people at MI want to work on it (which is 4 people: a translator, proofreader, cleaner, typesetter) and can find the raws. If you readers out there have access to the raws please leave a link down below and make looking for them easier for us :) But like I said, we will only take up the project if people are willing to work on it so don't expect every request that you make to get through.


Well, I guess that's all there is to say.


Sayonara ~

~Mystic Iris is Recruiting!~

11 April 2015 - 01:18 AM

Hi everyone!


I'm kuroanimeotaku18 from Mystic Iris. We need your help! >.<

We are currently looking for all positions EXCEPT raw providers. We especially need cleaners and translators (japanese preferably). Even if you can't clean or don't know another language, we still will accept you as a new member. HOWEVER, if you do want to join, please don't quit after only a month. If you are interested in joining us, go to our website (link below) and download our tests (or if you want to be a translator you have to email us for the test) and email your results. We are a FREE fan-made scanlation so don't expect to get paid lol. The people in our scanlation are very friendly and social so don't worry about not fitting in or being the newbie. XD


We (the people at Mystic Iris) are quite social so if you want to join, we'll let you into our Skype chat (if you have Skype) and talk about the weirdest things ever.


Please join us ^^



P.S. Current Projects are:

Gakuen Ouji

Bokutachi wa Shitte Shimatta

Kingyo no Fun

Liar X Liar

Machi de Uwasa no Tengu no Ko

Nagareboshi Lens

Bokura wa Itsumo


Nice Guy Syndrome

Orange Chocolate

Shinigami Tantei to Yuurei Gakuen

Sora no Yousei

Yashio to Mikumo

Biyaku Cafe

The Country is Saved!

Don't Cry Boreumi


If you like any of these projects and want faster releases then join us :) Mystic Iris is waiting for you!!!



08 April 2015 - 10:38 PM

hello to anybody who's reading this! i just made an acc here on batoto so that if i need to i can read manga online if i cant on my phone. a quick intro about me is I AM A OTAKU XD as you can see and i read/watch manga/anime more than anything else which is taking a toll on my social life....eh who cares. I am also part of Mystic Iris (a scanlation) and Chibi Manga (another scanlation lol) thats kinda it for me....or at least the stuff that are kinda interesting so byeee fellow otakusssssss ^^