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Nemesis Incorporated

Nemesis Incorporated

Member Since 07 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 12 2015 10:10 PM

obscure manga (or not? I forgot!)

04 February 2015 - 07:21 AM

For the life of me I cannot remember this manga's name but, I remember the plot somewhat and Google isn't really helping.
(Wall of text below!)
Its set in a realistic world where there are people who have these ailments that are like powers, and it just so happens that The main male character has the ability to absorb these ailments by biting them. he has a friend who he thinks doesn't have any ailment at all, but secretly he does (the ailment of being extremely heavy, think human on Jupiter heavy). And the main character helps a girl who develops the ailment of bat wings (if he didn't bite her she'd end up turning into an actual bat). By saving her he(the mc) gets bat wings. At one point (after he befriends her ) he invites her (and others?) To show how he cut out a shirt to make his wings easier to use. They think it's stylishly done but instead he just cut a large square in his shirt. He's super proud of it too. Its more comedy than drama I think.

I swear if this manga got super popular after I last read it I'm gonna facepalm so hard.