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Member Since 27 Mar 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 12 2018 05:46 AM

In Topic: Request for contributor status

09 April 2015 - 04:21 AM

Approvals happen in batches. You're going to have to wait until Friday for your request to be read.

In Topic: Contributor Request

05 April 2015 - 06:34 AM

There are cases of scanlation groups who do upload directly to batoto not applying for it (here's a recent example of a group uploading for ~2 years before deciding to apply) and there are cases of normal readers/users applying for it because they want to fill the blanks (mostly either with old scanlations no one has uploaded yet or with releases from groups that are not interested in uploading things here themselves) and don't want to burden staff with having to check everything they upload.

Now I completely understand! However this only makes me want a contributor status even more because Tobias has his hands full with translating tons of material, and I typically do the final editing and cleaning. This works out well because I can just directly upload the finished pages.

Oh and I'm almost done editing the 2nd chapter of Medarot, so hopefully this will clear up any misunderstandings. Thank you for clearing it up~

In Topic: Contributor Request

05 April 2015 - 03:34 AM

To expand on what Grumpy said, Contributor status is for people who upload chapters to batoto and want to bypass the moderation queue (i.e. a contribution mod having to check every upload they make before it's available publicly: if it's a proper chapter, if it's labelled correctly, if the uploader used correct file or filename format in case the chapter doesn't want to load, etc. - hence we require people to upload things first so we can see they actually know how to do it). It doesn't mean "I'm a part of scanlation group" (some contributors simply focus on uploading things no one else has uploaded yet and aren't members of any particular group), but "I help in uploading comics here".

I understand the minimum upload requirements. I will upload Chapter 2 of Medarot myself then for proof of proficiency. Also I think it should be noted that I was physically next to Tobias when he uploaded the first chapter, so I'm not 100% ignorant in uploading. But thank you very much!

Also I thought dust cleaning, editing and color balancing every page of the chapters would make me "part of a scanlation" team. Bummer~


Edit: I'm not sure if you're referring to the contributor status as a person that "isn't part of a scanlation team" but "uploads comics here." But I truly am I part of Heavenly Scans. I even designed our logo~

In Topic: Contributor Request

28 March 2015 - 01:54 AM

I have read and understood the rules and guidelines and I understand the technicalities. 

In Topic: Contributor Request

28 March 2015 - 12:38 AM

I am a member of Heavenly Scans as well, and I would like to become a contributor to this site as well. I scan cleaned Medarot alongside Tobias.