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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 14 Jan 2015
Offline Last Active Jan 06 2016 02:39 AM


06 January 2016 - 02:39 AM

Is this one still open? 

In Topic: [RP] Hexscape: A World of Darkness

25 February 2015 - 10:04 PM

Ecaterina was having what in her mind could be called a no good very bad day. Even after she'd been given the pill containing the knowledge in a moment all too matrixy for her to feel comfortable she'd only been left with more questions and they hadn't had time to waste. Before she could even protest or put her foot down further, she was being pushed into a copter and they were flying somewhere with Meera.


When they'd pushed her to go flying down towards the whitehouse, Ecaterina had decided that no matter what happened at this point, she hated each and every single person who was doing this to her. And she was going to find someway somehow to make them pay for it even if it meant getting her hands dirty. This feeling of intense hatred was present upon her face as the undead monstrosity separated her from Marut, the only one who she felt any kinship to and ok, having an undead giant threatening your life also had her a bit irritated.


It was as if there were some God-like story telling figure that was both uncaring and uninterested in her pulling all the strings to continue some mad dash towards some madder conclusion. Well, Ecaterina wasn't happy to be fate's pawn in all this.  She glanced at the separate islands and the beast and made the split second decision that clearly the safest place to be was on the undead monster and with that in mind the gypsy girl took a running start and lunged off her island to land on the undead creature's rather formidable leg where she hung on for dear life.  Why in the hell had they done this to her? She wasn't trained in magic? She didn't even know what to do with anything more frightening than a knife mugger.   And now she was gripping onto the upper thigh of some large zombie monster.  

In Topic: [Concept/OOC] The City of Monsters: Neverborn

19 February 2015 - 08:27 AM

The story is narrated from his perspective and due to the incredibly low will stat, I had him written as being either crazy, delusional, or just simply enjoying lying about his past as much as possible even when it isn't necessary.   It was supposed to show personality and history I thought, his personality would be to create a monster huge lie that includes just enough smattering of the truth in it to come off as potentially accurate to people already between heaven and hell.  

In Topic: [Concept/OOC] The City of Monsters: Neverborn

18 February 2015 - 05:21 PM


In Topic: [RP] The Crimson Century

18 February 2015 - 02:18 PM

Aric let out a sigh when the man said knife in the dark.  If it were dark Aric wouldn’t be having this problem.   Still, it was this thought and the boredom with the man’s duty and honor that caused the shrill whistling wind that knocked Aric off balance. 


As the man charged forward at him his years of training for just such a ploy came in handy as his transformation tore through his body like lightning while he simply threw himself into a side role and drew out his assassin’s blade coming up in a fighting stance. 


His looser uniform had been made especially for the change, and it certainly helped that his dark black fur was sleek and thin, somehow fitting for the speed and skill that was his birthright – a token the vampires could never rob him of because it flowed within the very veins he cursed. 


He stood leering at the viceroy for a split second, giving the man the chance to see the red eyes outlined in deep, white silver lines that looked like tears.  He was a magnificent lycan in transformation and with a little growl of irritation, Aric charged at him with his usual enhanced speed letting loose a volley of blades in such a spread that the man would either be forced into a corner or forced to use his air blast allowing Aric to get close.