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Member Since 05 Jun 2011
Offline Last Active Aug 28 2017 10:52 PM

Looking for a shoujo, school life manga

30 November 2012 - 04:02 AM

I'm looking for a shoujo manga that i don't remember the name and didn't bookmark or registered on manga updates. I tried all imaginable key words to search for him and couldn't find.

I remember 3 things about him:

1) Male lead is rich and is living alone

2) Female lead is good at cooking and is blackmailed on cooking for the male lead

3) At some point of the plot they are on the countryside when they are accused of stealing potatoes. The male lead discover the real culprit who is the son of the agricultor and whit his friends was making baked potato with leaves. Since they were falsely accused the male lead say that he will sue the agricultor and call a lawyer. To avoid this the agricultor end up giving them the potatoes.

Ps: Some things I remember but i'm not sure. I may be confusing with other manga. The male lead is a writer and the female lead broke or injured his arm and this is the reason for her to be blackmailed on cooking for him.