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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Member Since 08 Dec 2014
Offline Last Active Feb 02 2018 08:40 AM

#1650327 Batoto becoming registered only?

Posted by Zaji970 on 20 October 2015 - 04:12 PM

I for one am happy that measures are taken to protect the hard work of the scanlators. As stated, the conflict is real; websites can make real money off of the selfless work people do for us. 


As for going private, I for one would not mind as long as the system efficiently works the way we want it, yknow? 



But what I'm afraid of is a repeat of what happened on a scanlator site I used to frequent. The admin was tired of having uploads instantly appear elsewhere with someone else's name on it despite his public pleas to the contrary, so he decided to make it members-only. I and a few others expressed worry that it was a good idea in theory, but unless he locked out everyone other than a handful of oldbies, leaks would be inevitable.


The admin went ahead with his plan, allowing anyone to sign up. Almost immediately, the guy who had been putting his name on the releases and uploading them elsewhere was doing the same thing. To boot, he began publicly taunting the admin about being unable to stop him. The admin was furious and mistakenly felt the community as a whole was somehow betraying him, so he shut down releases altogether.


This was on a relatively small site, with dozens of fans. I can't even imagine how to secure a site with a thousandfold that number of fans. Unless someone has technical skills I'm unaware of, I'm worried that I'm about to watch history repeat itself.


 What we would want is to please ourselves, our future readers, and filter out profiteers. If restricting access will help, than I wouldn't mind. I love it here at Batoto, and I really want to see this done right, and would support it any way I could.