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Member Since 26 Nov 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 12 2019 02:08 AM

#1412969 Hi! A newbie here!

Posted by Muni on 30 November 2014 - 03:54 AM

Weeeell, I don't think I'm an easy catch, anyhow 8)

Aww lol thanks



...I'm ready.

#1412213 Otome games

Posted by OMGWTFBBQPONIES on 28 November 2014 - 12:45 PM

All PC games + available in English. Some of these may have Linux and/or Mac versions too.
Fake edit: I seem to have missed the "free" part of your request, so most of these you can't officially get for free. .-.
There's no way for you to contact me privately to ask for borrowing my versions or for help in finding unofficial sources either~ <.<
Fake edit #2: ah, but I seem to have leftover gift keys for Heileen and Bionic Heart o: let me know if you like demos enough to want full versions of these. 
I guess I can subjectively recommend their games in general, especially stuff since when they hired Aleema as a writer (i.e. since Loren game). They're not best of the best and some older stuff is kinda average, but imho they all have some charm to them. IIRC they all have free demo versions, so you can always try if the story, writing or gameplay mechanics fit your taste before buying. They seem to offer discounts at least twice a year, so if the price is too high, you might want to wait for one of those. You can also compare prices with their steam releases for possible differences (and steam has user reviews too).

I haven't had time to play most of them, even if I got quite a few in that one winter wolves game bundle, but from those I played:

Loren the Amazon Princess
Description, screenshots.
Not exactly an otome game >.>
An RPG made on VN engine; story is not bad at all (even though it's the usual "save the world" fantasy stuff), most characters are likable and from what I remember character development is good too. Has expansion pack that adds more stuff to the game, but I have yet to try it.

Planet Stronghold
Description, screenshots.
Another not really otome game <.<
Very good RPG elements; while the plot may seem rushed here and there and the writing is on the pre-Aleema, cheesy-at-times level, it is good enough to keep you playing and the romance & friendship parts are good enough. Apparently not influenced by it at all, but the "Mass Effect - the VN" comparison seems fitting.

Spirited Hearts
Description, screenshots.
It's... kinda nice if you want some gameplay similar to Princess Maker. It requires some grinding for skill raises and the character events aren't that plentiful. Playthroughs themselves are pretty short and I'm not sure if it's worth the price they ask for. There is an expansion that adds 6 female romanceable targets and comes with better writing by Aleema. If you're not into GxG pairings, just forget about the expansion. Alternatively, treat this as "maybe you shouldn't play it" note if my description of it doesn't sound like something you'd like. <.<

Heileen series
1, 2, 3
If I'm not mistaken, their flagship series from before Aleema joined the team. Can't say much about it, since I only got to play the prologue thingy a bit. Seemed interesting enough to end up on my "finish playing it eventually" list though. 
Magical Diary: Horse Hall
Description, screenshots.
One of my personal favourites. Nice story, interesting gameplay mechanics, lots of various events. Some things seemed underdeveloped in "I want moar" sense (I'm looking at you, practical exams). The "main" romance path was good, the bits of other paths I saw weren't bad either.
Sadly no sequels for now and probably not in any near future.

RE: Alistair++
Description, screenshots.
One of first western-made VN/dating sims I played, so my memory of it is rather hazy. Still, it was a fun game. I don't think it's long, but at the same time I don't recall it feeling too short. Just good enough, I guess? 


Two demo/on hiatus/dropped VN projects by Aleema that made me her fan even before she joined WW and that I hope she will eventually return to, no matter how small chances of it are:

Seraphine: Into the Wind
Download link, because her old site she hosted it on is gone.
Intriguing story and lore, fun rpg elements (and pleasantly challenging if you choose the hard mode). YMMV on this one, but I find these placeholder silhouettes for side characters and some events actually fitting and adding to the game's value (and I think some other people pointed it out in the game's thread too).

Download link for the same reason as Seraphine.
Band manager with fun mechanics and interesting story (the demo contains the first chapter/arc/prelude of sorts).

Both seem like something that could have grown out into great game and are enjoyable even in their demo form.

Japanese games that happen to have English translation:
Yo-Jin-Bo got released in English in ages past. Not sure where to get it. Opening instead of cover~

(bonus) Japanese games that don't seem to have any official English release and don't seem to have any finished translation patches:
QuinRose games ~❤ tumblr_m2jtua5Voh1qdlkyg.gif
This company needs moar love from translators. tumblr_m539lj1zjZ1qb1380.gif
No, I haven't actually played any of these. <.<
It doesn't matter though. tumblr_inline_mw1vitd1Wv1qid2nw.gif

Harukanaru Toki no Naka De series; apparently rather successful one, generating many sequels and spinoff media. Having only watched anime, can't really comment on gameplay or story branching, but as anime adaptations tend to be worse than games they're adapted from, and I enjoyed the anime, I'd say it's worth trying if you ever get your hands on English version/patch or some Japanese-speaking friend/husbando.