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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 31 Oct 2014
Offline Last Active Mar 06 2015 04:30 AM

In Topic: Random thoughts/SHOUT SOMETHING RANDOM!!!

06 March 2015 - 04:28 AM

Y'know, otome games are sorta like the video game equivalent to masturbating. Both are there to fill the loneliness in our hearts, and both feel so awesome at the time. So warm and bursting with passion. But then the climax comes. (heh) And it's back to loneliness again. Back to reality. Where you're just laying in your bed hoping for a warmth that doesn't end with a "game over."

...Sounded a lot less pathetic in my head. But ah well. I'm leaving anyways. Shooting back off into the unoccupied space of the internet. Cleaning the halls and admiring what was once there. Basically being an internet janitor.

Goodnight everyone.


Edit: Buuuut before I leave, I must say one last thing:

Khrazy was always my favorite person here.

In Topic: Random thoughts/SHOUT SOMETHING RANDOM!!!

10 February 2015 - 08:08 PM

Hi~~ :3

54da6514dfafe.jpg Hi to you too.

In Topic: Random thoughts/SHOUT SOMETHING RANDOM!!!

10 February 2015 - 08:05 PM

Why is moony here? D:


Wait, wha-?


In Topic: Random thoughts/SHOUT SOMETHING RANDOM!!!

10 February 2015 - 07:40 PM

This is the life.



In Topic: Dreams!

10 February 2015 - 07:19 PM

I had a dream where my older sister and I were at the mall. Except I kept on walking away from her and going into my own thing, which frustrated her to the point where her face was bright red. I didn't mean to, but I just kept on getting caught up in the music I was listening to. I'd be wandering towards something that interested me before realizing "O shit I think I left my sister behind." Which would then lead to me running back to her screaming at me. This kept on for awhile...Until finally, my older sister dragged me into this weird, colorful pre-teen store. The ones with those hashtag stuffed pillows and pop star stuff, if you know what I'm talking about. Not exactly our usual crowd. My sister, who could tell I was confused, told me brought me in here because she saw a stuffed animal she liked. She said it looked like an orange and "really yummy." So, we searched the store for the "yummy" stuffed animal she liked, until landing in the back part of the place. (Who knew how she was able to see it if it was all the way back there.) At this point we had been searching for so long that I realized I had to use the restroom, and, lo and behold, there was a restroom right in the corner. ...Which is something that never happens in a real mall. Ever. Finding a restroom in a mall is like an Easter egg hunt with how masterfully they hide them. I should've been more suspicious, but my bodily functions were like, "Eh. It'll be fine" so I rushed in there.

The restrooms fluorescent lights were crappy, but the bathroom was otherwise clean. The hallway seemed really long for some reason. Like it was stretched. I'd began to walk to the stall I had chosen, when I looked behind me... And saw a cute guy. Just standing there and smiling at me. At first I wondered if I entered the wrong restroom, but after looking closer realized that the guy actually seemed really... Surreal. Like, he had the calmest smile yet may as well have had the word "malicious" written in bold across his forehead. With the lights flickering behind him, he stood in an almost otherworldly way, you could say. It was really creepy. So, not really being able to form any thoughts at the moment, I panicked and ran as fast as I could into the last stall. I didn't want to look behind me, but I could feel him gliding quickly behind me, chasing me. I slammed the stall door as tightly as I could, but his two strangely arms still managed to get in. They were holding flowers and a heart shaped box of chocolates, and scrambling around like ants trying to pry open the door. Slamming against the wall at times.At this point I wanted to scream at him to go away, but was too terrified for anything to form into words. I just kept on pushing as hard as I could on that door, hoping he would give up and go away. But he didn't. And naturally, at some point, I lost the strength to keep pushing. He got inside the stall, and immediately lunged at me, the chocolate and flowers now out of the hands that instead wanted to grab me. I held my arms out to push him away, and to my surprise, was actually able to hold him off. I fell against the stall door, pushing him away and pushing myself back out into the restroom. Seeing him in front of me like an enemy in a first-person shooter triggered some fantasy in me (who knows why) that this was all actually just a video game, and that if I were able to hold him off until I met up with my sister, he would disappear and I would win. So I tried to do exactly that, my eyes fixated on him the entire time. But the closer we got to my sister, the stronger he became and the more he struggled. And while everything during this part is a blur, I could see that the closer we got, the more distorted and ghost-like his appearance became. As if he was turning into something. It wasn't until we finally were near my sister that I saw he was morphing into Death. But by this point, it was too late. It wasn't a game, and my sister was nowhere to be seen. And Death was the strongest he'd ever been, looming over me with spidery arms. The once colorful environment was now garish and dark behind him, twisting around as he leaned down close. The screen turned black, and I heard him say in a trombone-like voice (for lack of a better adjective), "You will fall in love with the next person who (something something)."

I honestly can't remember what he said at that point. I remembered it once I woke up, but quickly forgot once I saw my cat sleeping next to me. :I Sorry, Death. You went through so much effort to tell me, too.

But yeah, I think I know what that dream was trying to say.

Cute boys will literally be the death of me.


You get it?