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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles



Member Since 20 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 10 2013 02:19 PM

In Topic: Discussion: Moderators of Batoto (Recruitment)

18 August 2012 - 06:12 PM

Good Luck to those that have advanced to Round 2, I did not make it, so, till next time.

In Topic: What are your thoughts about Japan?

16 August 2012 - 01:27 AM

It's the same situation in my homeland. While being a very cultural place (although very americanised) and that has many interesting places to see, the education is literaly shit and the food our food doesn't possess a bit of originality; and, to top it off, it's boring living there. Whenever I see some images or videos that portray the living style of the Japanese people, I can't help but feel envious by this.

Yeah, I know what you mean by Americanized, here is the same. We have such great cuisine and our Foods are extensive, but most just prefer fast foods(myself included, but I barely go to such places) and the such.
It is also very boring over here, it lacks diversity and it is also dangerous to hangout most of the times(clubs, pubs and all the nice places) since they are often under some punk wannabe gangster, that shot people. We have a high rate of homicidal cases, we are almost as dangerous as war torn middle eastern countries.
I'm not arrogant, I know crime and killings exist in every country even in such a great country as Japan, but the real difference lies in the Integrity of the people, Japanese are very integrate with their people despite the so called "racism" that many speak that they have, let me tell you something, there is nothing more "racist" than killing your own people over drugs, money or whatever reason.

In Topic: What are your thoughts about Japan?

15 August 2012 - 11:30 PM

Japan has always been on my list to go/live, The culture in there is perhaps like no other(an overstatement, but still very cultural country), when you are born in a country that does not cherish their culture or roots you begin to loath that country, in this case my own, we have a very deep heritage and a very rooted culture, but it is really all for nothing here since the mayoralty of the people are uneducated slobs that live like parasites, I really is heart rendering when you see such a big culture go to nothing.
I admire that about Japan, that they are still very cultural despite everything that changes in that country.
Music, over there is also great, there is great number of singers that actually sing, can you believe that?!, over here for example, it's not singing if the music was not made before the late 80's, we have dwindled our Music, which is also a big part of our culture, I have alot more to mention, but lets's keep it short.
What really got me even more encouraged to actually go and/or live in Japan was the stories that my cousin told me about Japan when he lived there, in short, Great People, great food, awesome places to visit, beautiful women, everything was great to him and he loved it.

Also, their Education!!! I wish I had that kind of Education, most of mines comes from self-teaching and the Internet.

In Topic: [Development] [Discussion] Visual Novel

11 August 2012 - 04:52 PM

sorry, I haven't been active too much, we have been getting blackouts behind blackouts this past week, I honestly thought my PCs and Household Appliances would have been dead by now but all seems fine now.

JustAPasserBy, in order to progress we need to move on with the story, it would be nice if you can input anything you have so the next person can pick it up, we still await for your return.

Snazzy, I have a version 2.0 of the story, but it can get a look at for correction, proofreading is also important, you don't want the story to look like it was made by illiterates. My grammar is good, but there is always someone better. :P

Meow Zorg, yes you can compose, some 16-bit Menu sounds and a BGM would be good, other than Music tracks for the Game itself, it's a big task. But you are more than welcome.

if you need a music composer, i may give it a go. Always making up songs. Does it need to be 8-bit or any specific type of music? Can probably make something with some online music composing stuff.

Could I possible act as a proofreader/editor (purely in the grammatical sense)?

If your first post was an actual sample of in-game script (shown in the spoiler), then may I have a chance to try editing it to show you what I can do?
If it's not an actual sample, then never mind...


So yeah, I've been away for a little while. I have troubles regarding my PC units and it might take a while till I get a new one but I still want to take hold of my Aoi's route if its still possible with the group of course but if deadlines and such are a priority then I'm willing to take a step back to let someone write it.

In Topic: Discussion: Moderators of Batoto (Recruitment)

11 August 2012 - 12:33 AM

Good Luck to all that posted on the recruitment board!