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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Member Since 29 Aug 2014
Offline Last Active Sep 02 2014 10:37 AM

In Topic: Can't read on batoto PLZ HELP UGHHGHH

30 August 2014 - 09:20 AM

Korean manhwa mostly consists of webtoons (really not sure if Im being accurate with that statement). Webtoons are colourful and are usually released in a long strip format and like the name suggests, it is released on the web. Naver is a site which hosts and publishes the work of manhwa authors. Another webtoon publisher is Daum for example. Before Naver had no contact with the scanslating/translating part of webtoons however in recent months have released a site of their own, LINE (Fan made PC version mentioned before) and requested for a long list of manhwa they have published to be taken down and to be stopped translating. If you look on the Naver Titles thread I linked before, there should be a link in the first post stating all those which were requested.


If there are titles which arent in those list and you have found with no chapters, I recommend you to first to check your language settings on the main page and second to link the pages here.


Also no worries. Happy to help.

Ok, thank you very much! Man, I wish more people on the earth were like you but sadly no, haha ugh humans amirite?  Domo arigato mister roboto, uh I mean fellow human/Funky sadistic Donkey Kong 

In Topic: Can't read on batoto PLZ HELP UGHHGHH

30 August 2014 - 08:43 AM


Have you checked your language settings to see if you have somehow put yourself in a language which has no releases for Tokyo Ghoul?


You can go to the official LINE website to read it. (Recommend using http://www.webtoonsreader.com/ for a better viewing experience on PC). 


Also to clarify oppaisuki, did you only have problems with Naver comics or were there any other comics like Arco is having trouble with?


I'm a complete noob uh, what are naver comics? Sorry for the trouble ahaha....

In Topic: Can't read on batoto PLZ HELP UGHHGHH

30 August 2014 - 02:20 AM

Oh god/kami/whatever does that mean I'll only be able to read on sites like mangafox?