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The Runaway

The Runaway

Member Since 19 Jul 2014
Offline Last Active Apr 20 2017 09:24 PM

HELP!: Im having a crisis on how i can get information about specific mangas

05 November 2014 - 10:54 PM

so currently, i want to know the latest updates on shonen jump mangas


like, when they didnt release a chapter this week:

"what happened and why didnt they release the chapter this week?"

"is the author sick?"


what im trying to say is that, can you guys suggest a news website where

i can get the full details on all manga updates (weekly shonen jump)



thanks sooo much in advance :D


EDIT 1: no need for forum website only news websites cuz i got batoto already! whoohooo~

is there a book format template?

21 July 2014 - 09:43 AM

okay maybe the title is not clear


what i'm trying to say is that is there a template for Micro Soft WORD (or any other text based software)

that converts a normal page-to-page text file into a printable book version


some thing like this:




its better if its like something that i would upload the text file (.txt or .doc) and the end result

would be 2 text files for the front page and the back page


Reason why im finding a template or software is that

i would like to compile all light novel chapters / scenes that piqued my interset


i will never distribute the printed copy

i will never have to do this if the book/light novel is available in my country (sad, so sad)


thanks in advance :)

what's the story of your pet?

20 July 2014 - 06:21 AM

well, i adopted a kitten at a shelter and named him nyan-nyan 


at first he's all adorable, fluffy and the cutest furrball in the universe


then a year passed


now, He's the most laziest cat I've ever seen

he sleeps almost all day and when he wakes up, its just to purr then sleep again


no greeting anymore when i come home  :(


one thing he's very proud of is that when he successfully destroys my SLEEP!


ooohh.. that smug on his face when i look at him feeling all accomplished while gouging out my sleep 



around that time, a friend of mine gave me a white puppy with black spot on her chest

the first idea for her name was spotty but but finally turned to wan-wan



it felt like I've relived the time when i first got nyan-nyan

she's very active and i'm actually wondering if there's a limit to her stamina


whenever i call for her she'd immediately run as fast and at most times bump to corners only to run at full speed again


okay, so here's where the interesting part happens, 

when wan-wan was still a puppy, nyan-nyan felt the competition for my attention (made me so happy it became weird)

so he showed dominance over the puppy like, circling her around, food battle or hissing when wan-wan comes near

(well, at that time nyan-nyan was still bigger than wan-wan) 


that lasted for awhile then wan-wan started her growth spurt and now she's twice the size of nyan-nyan

the dominance ritual stopped and nyan-nyan kindda got the *meh* feeling over time


oddly enough wan-wan developed an inferiority over nyan-nyan so until today she's scared him 

it seems like nyan-nyan just got a little-bit-not-on-the-brain-side henchman that drools over him everytime 


its really relieves me of all my stress when i see them both playing the "im on the TOP" game

(wan-wan always starts it when pouncing nyan-nyan at random times)

in the end i always see nyan-nyan all wet and covered in drool eheheh


well, ive said too much already, in the end, i like them both as nyan-nyan rekindles my masochistic feeling

from his coldness and the warmth of wan-wan's affection made everything in my life balanced



so, whats your story?