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Primary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Pattern: Blank Waves Squares Notes Sharp Wood Rockface Leather Honey Vertical Triangles


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    Russet Potato

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I had a dream where I relived my childhood with all my memories intact, but couldn't control my body. It was like watching a film in first person view.

Lot of crings were had.




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I had a dream where me ( I was a little kid there for some reason) and my mom were walking through a market. We were walking on a straight road where there were stalls on the side. We were just walking not buying anything when bit by bit the stalls become caskets (funeral style with flowers and a picture frame that has no picture in it) and inside were dead people with their names on it (can't remember the names) I was peeking on them one by one. I saw the way they died based on the corpse. There was one who was beaten to death, a burnt one, one that was stabbed many times and more. There was this one "stall" that didn't have a casket and the corpse was just laid on a blue piece of plastic of some sort and the body was chopped to pieces. There was also another that was so unrecognizable that I didn't think that it was a body. The weird thing is there were no other people there. No one was grieving over them and we were just walking and walking like it was nothing and I suddenly woke up. That was one of the weirdest dreams that I ever had and I still remember it to this day. I have lots of weird dreams and if anyone wants to know more about my weird dreams, I can share them if you want.

nosebleed worthy:




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I had this shit dream that I was back in school and I was stuck in chinese class. the professor called on me to read some passage and I was just staring at the text like ".........." cause I didn't know how to read shit. Everyone was just staring at me like I was a dumb ass and I felt like I needed to get the fuck outta there. Then I realized I was dreaming, but for whatever reason I couldn't wake myself up so I was just trapped in that god damn classroom. I felt like the room was growing smaller and everyone was just inching closer and closer to me, and I ended up waking up when some kid's shoulder got close enough to bump into mine.




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Last night I had a dream I moved into this really nice appartment with my mom and my cousin whom I hate to the point I even wanted him to get shot but regardless it was just a dream so anyways we lived on the third story and then the stairs to our door like fell off a hinge and were barely holding anything up and a member of a boyband came and acted like my boyfriend and held the stairs for me while I ran downstairs but I forgot to put the alarm on the door and we got robbed.

I had this shit dream that I was back in school and I was stuck in chinese class. the professor called on me to read some passage and I was just staring at the text like ".........." cause I didn't know how to read shit. Everyone was just staring at me like I was a dumb ass and I felt like I needed to get the fuck outta there. Then I realized I was dreaming, but for whatever reason I couldn't wake myself up so I was just trapped in that god damn classroom. I felt like the room was growing smaller and everyone was just inching closer and closer to me, and I ended up waking up when some kid's shoulder got close enough to bump into mine.

Charlie charlie







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Well, two days or so ago, I had a really strange dream.

I was standing up, and the only thing I can remember is... that I had a gun pointing at my head. And I knew I was going to die, there was no possible escape, so I just waited for it. I closed my eyes, and prayed that it were fast and painless. Then, there was a deep sound, and I felt the bullet across my head... but it didn't feel anything. I was still standing, relieved. "Well, this was better than expected" I thought. And I woke up.

Could someone shine some light on the meaning of this xD? 








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My dreams are quite absurd at times.
Just the other day, I had a dream that I was a student in a dorm school. It was a big, old, beautiful castle used for school, like Hogwarts, but it wasn't a magic school haha. My roommate was an easy going girl who's rather tomboyish. We were friends, along with a cute girl who's popular among boys. My dream was like a school life shoujo-ai manga, though... the easy going girl and I gradually developed feelings for each other and yeah....
I remember that during an exam, I talked back to a teacher who kept mocking me/students and wouldn't shut up. I said as a teacher she shouldn't say stuffs like that and all, HAHA. A male teacher who was passing by heard that argument of mine and applauded it. Still, though, I was dismissed from the exam room by the female teacher, and got blacklisted in her class. Later on, I was punished to clean the females' restroom. My 2 friends were about to help me, but then a bunch of boys came and said they received anonymous mails saying my kawaii friend will go out with anyone who can find her first (it was probably a bad prank from jealous girls). So we had to protect her before starting to clean the toilets... in the midst of that ruckus, we didn't realize some girls came in and like, mess the toilets. The floor was flooded and there were bubbles everywhere.
I don't remember anything else after that.. what a tiring dream, huh, lol

“Because even the smallest of words can be the ones to hurt you, or save you.”

― Fruits Basket, Natsuki Takaya

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I had a weird dream where I literally lost my head.


I don't remember how, but I panicked a lot.


The weird part wasn't losing my head...it was that, throughout the dream, I was thinking of how I'm gonna talk and eat from now on.


That was all that was on my (hypothetical) mind.


Like wtf.


Yan Q

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This is probably gonna be long, considering how all my other dreams are.

It involves seeing off soldiers to go to war, pirates, the triad, a lady in a cheongsam and kimono sleeves for some reason, and a young boy getting shot.


Once I was in the water it was eerily quiet. And then I woke up.

yes, i bite

fp | ig



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I noticed a theme in some of my nightmares, of not being able to turn on the light switch, or candles, or any source of light.

Dream from a few days ago:




Last night my dream was long and complicated, and made sense, but its always those dreams that I forget the fastest. Right after I wake up I'll be thinking "Damn, I woke up, I still needed to do this and this in the dream and also... wait. What did I dream?" Lately there's a particular person I seem to be mainly talking to in the dream, like we both are working on the same project in a job, and every time I have one of these long dreams we're trying to get more of the job done. The other people in the dreams don't know and can't tell what we're trying to do though; I remember their confusion. Can't for the life of me remember what the goal was, only that we were both very serious about getting it done quickly, and that it involved alot of steps that wouldn't seem to connect together logically. Last one was something about a car or a store or... I wish I could remember more than this vague stuff.


I had another two dreams connected to this in the past few months, but now the whole town is involved in working on different parts of the project.    

My dream self is glad to have so many helping hands because it reduces the pressure on me, things are getting done faster and the project is advancing more smoothly.

            Still no clue what the project is.

Edited by shelly, 19 June 2015 - 10:53 AM.



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Had a dream yesterday, I recommended an album from my favourite cinematic post-rock band, Lights & Motion to a friend that I haven’t spoken to for months because of some reasons and he told me to go away even though I already apologized. When I woke up, I feel really terrible and just sat on my bed for a couple of minutes. So, I took a shower and sat in the living room, I fell asleep again. I dreamt about me walking and that’s all. -sigh-

Song of the day:
Castle On The Hill
- Ed Sheeran




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An old friend of mine had a baby in the train. She stop at a places, but  I kept going back to her with different trains.


I called her up asked if she had a child. She called me crazy and  to go back to sleep.  :/



    Fried Potato

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Had a dream yesterday, I recommended an album from my favourite cinematic post-rock band, Lights & Motion to a friend that I haven’t spoken to for months because of some reasons and he told me to go away even though I already apologized. When I woke up, I feel really terrible and just sat on my bed for a couple of minutes. 

^ Awhile ago. 'Yo my dreams are sometimes repetitive.

I'm also dreaming about this tall man with a long black hair (tied) in his tailcoat and offering his hands to me. As far as my memory serves me, I've been dreaming about him since I was 10 or older. Kind of freaky sometimes. 

Song of the day:
Castle On The Hill
- Ed Sheeran




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I had a dream last night and it's the clearest dream I had so far. All because I fell asleep earlier than my usual time of sleep.

I was in a classroom that's divided into two by a blackboard: the first side are where the high schoolers and the second side where I was watching a black and white video of the Holocaust (the actual burning) with three other guys (but we're all sitting in the right part of the windowless classroom. I feel like I have a close connection to one of the guys, especially the one sitting in front of me, diagonally. Like we're some kind of close buddies. He's wearing a blue and white baseball shirt, he has a clean haircut and playing with his blue and white baseball cap. In my right peripheral vision, I am seeing a bunch of people sitting on doorway. Like those typical high school kids standing by the door, talking to each other or doing nothing. So, I was watching the video intently, then I wondered why my prof is taking too long with the high schoolers so I stood and peeked on the other side. He's showing their grades to them. After knowing what he's doing I decided to go out. As I approached the the doorway I saw that the people are actually parents of the high schoolers. I wanted to go out without bothering them but there are these two baby girls sleeping on top of a single desk. I thought of quietly putting them to their purple mat laid by the doorway but as I touched the knee of the first baby, she bent her knee squeezing my middle finger, as if she's trying to bend it the other way or crush it. I looked at her and saw that the baby has three legs and the one squeezing my finger was her middle leg. I wasn't scared but I know I have to get away so I could place them both to their mat but she started wriggling her body, waking up the other baby. The three-legged baby was wriggling too much the single desk was rocking and when they were about to fall to the ground I rushed to push them back on top of the desk using my right arm because my hands are occupied by my phone and laptop charger (it was just there when I looked at my hands) but they still fell. At the back of my head I wondered why they're so small and light when their dresses are so fashionista like. I lifted my head and saw the mother of the babies looking at me with angry eyes. I immediately put the babies to their baby mat, that's when I had a close look at them, they're porcelain dolls (I hate porcelain dolls) but I wasn't scared seeing them in my dream, I just got a bit irritated. So I stood and the mother now looks like my late uncle's wife that I hate so much. As soon as I saw her I wanted to shout at her like "why're you keeping the porcelain dolls like they're you're babies? You a retard or what?" but I can't say them, something's preventing me to talk. Then she said "Are you trying to kill them? Huh? Are you trying to kill them?" In my head I kept on saying no, I wanted to talk back but I just cried because I couldn't shout at her. This is where it got really weird. Someone whispered to me, "you're dreaming, you know right?" then suddenly I woke up. My room was really dark. I grabbed my phone, opened Batoto to type this, when I was about to finish, suddenly I wasn't sure if i'm still dreaming so I went to the toilet. When I came back I saw a woman creeping up on my bed. Still, I wasn't scared then I thought "i'm still dreaming but this is another dream". Instead of finishing typing here, I went back to sleep with a thought that maybe I can talk back to my late uncle's wife. But it didn't happen. I woke up at 4:45 AM here and stared at the ceiling. I was never contented with my sleep until today.

Song of the day:
Castle On The Hill
- Ed Sheeran


Ravenous Raven

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So I had a nightmare last night, but I'm really happy about it, because I logic'd the nightmare away, which I've never been able to do before. :D :D


  There was this tiny closet with shelves and boardgames, basically a broom closet. And it was placed awkwardly in this long hallway in some family's house. (Most of my nightmares involve me being chased/attacked personally, but in this story I was an omniscient observer.)

  It was mentioned that the hallway was haunted, and that if you tried to walk through it alone, you'd get killed. But the family was fighting, and everyone seemed to hate each other, so the brother of the family decided for the first time that he hated is sister so much that he didn't want to wait for her, so instead of going through the hallway together, he went on his own. As he walked through the hallway, I heard something shuffling inside the closet. A pale white human hand grabbed the boy, pulling him into the closet.


And then I woke up in a cold sweat, thinking, 'aw, fuck, no. This is gonna be one of those nights, isn't it?' So I tried to go back to bed, and succeeded pretty much instantly.


  And the dream started up, a few minutes after where we left off. The sister is looking for her brother. She doesn't want to go through the hallway on her own, 'cuz it's hella scary. She realizes after searching around for him, that he must have gone through the hallway without waiting for her. Severely pissed off, she decides to go through, too. Thinking that if he's brave enough, then she should be, too.

  Annnnnnnnddd... bam. The same, pale white hand pulls her into the closet.


And I wake up. My PJs are completely drenched in sweat now, making what was already a relatively cold night completely freezing. I fall asleep again.


  Yet again, just a few minutes after the last dream. The dad is pissed at the mom, and he says screw you and then goes through the hallway. The hand gets him, too.


At this point, I probably would've just said, 'no sleep for me', and spent the rest of the night reading with the lights on.... but my light switch is on the opposite side of my room. You have to trip across two beds and a chest in the dark just to get there. Eff that noise.


  Dream starts up again. The mom is the only person left in the house. She sitting in the middle of the living room doing yoga. Since she was completely alone in the house, this 'unlocked' the monster from his closet. The mom was oblivious, her back to the monster. The monster made no noise. It was elegant, gliding through the air. A pale white hand on her shoulder made the woman flinch. She turned around angrily, thinking her husband had come back to argue more. She open her mouth to scream when she saw the monster, but those white hands covered her mouth. It was young, and humanoid, with white phosphorescence. The short hair was pale, much like it's skin and the rest of it's body. It was neither a man nor a woman. It's face was a miserable frown, and where his eye sockets should be was just smooth skin. And off they went to the closet, the house now completely empty.


And I wake up again, my heart racing from a metric ton of adrenaline. I was more in the mood for running a marathon then sleeping. The green light of the clock showed me it was 2 AM. I would have to wait 5 more hours for the sun to come up.

  But then I started to think about my dream. The Specter in the closet looked really sad, and not really very scary. And, as far as I had seen, it hadn't actually hurt anyone. Plus, it kept dragging people into the board game closet. I started think that maybe the Specter was sad that the family wasn't getting along well, and it started getting depressed that the family never opened the closet anymore, because they didn't want to play the Specter's board games.

  So the Specter dragged them all into the closet to force them to play games together. It'll probably let them out once they started communicating and getting along well again.


Then I fell asleep and didn't have anymore nightmares. :>


  I think the moral of the story is: if you're trying to make a horror movie, don't ever show what the monster looks like, because no matter what it is, it will never be scarier than the viewer's imagination... 'cuz thinking back on it, the Specter is actually kawaii as fuck. Poor misunderstood l'il ghostie.

Edited by Ravenous Raven, 04 July 2015 - 05:56 AM.


Ravenous Raven

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A dream where I was running around Venice, Italy, making friends with Gypsies while searching for my family. Very short, fun and colorful.




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Two weeks ago, I had a dream where I got a paper, folded in thirds like it had been in an envelope. So I looked at it and slowly realized what it was. It was a notice of taxes due on an account with my name...that had 60 million dollars in it. Since my mom had handed me the paper, I looked over at her. She said she had looked up lots of obscure giveaways, and had won the money in my name. I was really shocked. I backed up until I hit the couch and then slowly sank down onto it. Looking at the paper--I could scarcely believe it. And then as it really started to set in, and I realized what this much money would mean for my life, I started to laugh. Quiet, giddy laughs. Then I woke up, and knew I didn't really have 60 million dollars. I was sad about it for the next two days...

Avatar by Molnar Eszter

Previous Avatars • Music for February 21...not picked out yet.



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Now THIS is unique.


I had a dream where I was a red-headed witch's staff.


Like, I was just a cartoony head on the tip of a witch's staff, but I could control the staff itself. Think Lujei Piche's staff.


We went into adventures. Being a sentient, unmoving object aside, it was honestly really fun.


Ravenous Raven

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My mom just told me that when she was pregnant with me and my siblings, she would sometimes be able to see our dreams while she slept. She knew what we were dreaming about even in utero. 


  Holly hell. I didn't know that was a thing. How surreal.

Edited by Ravenous Raven, 18 August 2015 - 03:07 AM.





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my dad is haunting my dreams these days :')

take it all in pffffffff



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Dreamt that I was talking to Harry Styles. Wut da hell.

Song of the day:
Castle On The Hill
- Ed Sheeran
