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Adult theme?

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    Potato Spud

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So you will throw stuff classified as smut/yaoi/adult but this as an ecchi is too much confuses me as to who we are trying to protect. Point is there are comparable mangas still posted and not blocked with similar content and themes, so should we leave it to the responsibility of a parent to keep this from being viewed by an under aged reader and just leave it marked possibly hidden behind a "mature aduiance only" monicker?
"...and i say to you: bee-bee-bebop cola."
"What? Are you making a freaking necklace!?"



    Fried Potato

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I personally believe that parents should be the only ones who censor things for their kids. Censorship outside of the family unit is the beginning of a slippery slope towards totalitarianism by the state and therefore should NOT be exercised OR condoned by any public organization. And parents who are too lazy to monitor their children's internet usage should not have become parents in the first place.

I also think that the ancient Greeks had it correct with their theatrical term "Ob Skene" meaning "Off Scene" from which we get the term "obscene." Of course, in ancient Greek theater, the ONLY thing that was deemed so horrible that it could not be seen on stage was violence! Sex of every type was considered fair game, but violence was only done "Ob Skene."

So how has this become reversed today? Because of prudish, repressive religious zealots who consider pleasure to be a sin, but murder in the name of God to be a saintly act!

I raised three wonderful kids and I can tell you that I was much happier to see them looking at porn rather than violence when they were growing up. All three of them became fine, upstanding adults with good careers. They are all well-adjusted and are now raising their own children in loving environments, unlike so many that I have seen who grew up watching nothing but violence and ended up as criminals or other types of detritus to society.

I joke around a lot about being a pervert, but I would much rather see kids have a healthy interest in sex instead of an unhealthy interest in violence when they are too young and immature enough to understand it.
Always yield to temptation, it may not come your way again!

Thank you for your attention.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled manga, already in progress.



    Sweet Potato

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So you will throw stuff classified as smut/yaoi/adult but this as an ecchi is too much confuses me as to who we are trying to protect. Point is there are comparable mangas still posted and not blocked with similar content and themes, so should we leave it to the responsibility of a parent to keep this from being viewed by an under aged reader and just leave it marked possibly hidden behind a "mature aduiance only" monicker?

Easy answer......rules regarding "appropriate" content for Batoto are posted here-----


If you think this title.......or the others you're referring to, violate the posted rules, report them so someone can take a look at them and remove them if necessary. Same forum thread.

A broad discussion about responsibility for child rearing doesn't really seem to have anything to do with this particular manga though.




    Potato Sprout

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Loving this manga even though repetitive like Yuria 100





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If this is enough for getting banned then most smut mange should get banned as they have nudity and the enviroment they are set in is much worse.  At least this has a pleasant enviroment nothing like getting raped or anything.