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Are Ran and Kubera related?

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    Potato Spud

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Anna Haias (Kubera's Mother)
Eline Haias (Ran's Aunt)

Or am I missing something and totally off?



    Russet Potato

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We do not know, all we know is that Ran has had some sort of relation to Kubera's father, and that ^ share same lastname. But seeing as Kubera's mother was a fighter and not always living in the remote unknown village, I also deem this as high probability.

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    Russet Potato

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Probably cousins, some sort of far relatives? But as dense as Ran is, he may not have realized a thing until now, or Leez just told her first name is "Leez" omitting the last name "Haias"? From what I have seen, Eline does not seem in any way similar to Anna, I mean the looks and hair and face etc, so I doubt a close relation...
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    Couch Potato

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Well, you know, Ran Sairofe came from the Sairofe family line. Who his uncle marries is none of his business.
Besides, there seems to be a number of recurring names in the story.
- One of the village guards in Leez' village was called Peil Sairofe.
- Riche Seiran's assistant is Ernst Seiran.
- The head of the Atera Magic Academy is called Praul Ajes, but he's 10 generation removed from Jibril Ajes.
- In fact, the magician license that Gandharva took from those Half hunters had the name Hemawati on it.
- Oh yeah, let's not forget Nard Lehn, and Leez' childhood friends Kaz and Haas Lehn.

There are possibly some big family lines in the Kubera world. In China, there are a whole lot of people whose family name is Wang or Zhang for example. Just because two people are close relatives, it doesn't mean that they are necessarily closely related. But at the same time, they Could be.


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    Baked Potato

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Or Visnu is the wizard that did it. <.< To have the right persons that do the right thing or the "right" mistake at the right time (as far as his plans go).

By the way ... does 18 year old Ran talking about Rao as "Rao-hyung" got any significance other than he is a Rao fanboy?

Edited by Akasha, 26 November 2012 - 04:04 AM.



    Mashed Potato

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There are possibly some big family lines in the Kubera world. In China, there are a whole lot of people whose family name is Wang or Zhang for example. Just because two people are close relatives, it doesn't mean that they are necessarily closely related. But at the same time, they Could be.

Clans can become big, complex and octopus-like things, with a representative in every area. <shrugs> With the inherent dangers of Willarv, I'm expecting Clans to be a big thing. Usually, when you have dangers on all sides, one of the most natural human set-ups is the extended family system of the Clan. :) So, it'd be easy to have the same surname as somebody... but, only be related in the most tangential of ways, as long as clan adoption or marriage sealed the name to both genetic lines. :)

Wonder if it's actually taboo to marry within a surname? <goes into Anthropologist-mode>

Edited by Euodiachloris, 27 November 2012 - 04:31 AM.



~:Euo will do instead of my whole handle:~


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