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Secondary: Sky Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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How was your day/week?

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Urg, I need to get a better job. -.-


I just went to the dentist, and apparently I have to get 3-4 teeth filled. ._.


I hope I have enough money to pay for that, my driving lessons and the little contribution to the household that my parents want me to make...



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I've been trying to work on it unsuccessfully all week long, and progress is soooo slowwww. I have a window open with more than twenty sources open in separate tabs. Not only that, but my professor didn't say whether to use APA or MLA formatting, just told us what line spacing and what size margins. But we're not supposed to double space it...FRICKIN 1.5 SPACING



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I've been helping out a bit when picking up my great nephew from school after-care: putting away games and such. Now the little petri dishes have got me. Yesterday I had a scratchy throat and felt like I was coming down with something. Got much worse overnight and now I have the full-blown raging crud. Bronchitis, malaise, headache, congestion, . . . Spent much of the day in bed, without any improvement.


Have so much stuff to do and can't do any of it. ;_;

Horripilating Sea Cucumber

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I went back to the diving resort I went last year in the Philippines and I got my Advanced open water diver license! WOOT <3 

We stayed there longer this time for 6 nights. Was able to meet the boss again and had a nice chat with him. Loved the new managers and the new kitties at the place. There were so many improvements. It was very lovely!

Had 8 dives. Socialised with almost all the guests, became really close with the manageress too. The manageress was so young and bubbly. She was so nice to me and I felt that she was like an older sister to me :3 

My identifying ability in the water improved and I ended up getting 3 sand dollars, all in one piece. Gave it all to the manageress though :P Now I've had properly recorded 15dives. If I do 5 more I get to train and become a rescue diver. 

I went night diving, cave diving and wreck diving. The wreck was of a small simple plane. Sorta like a zero fighter but smaller. 

I also touched a turtle xD


The reefs were absolutely beautiful!


Here's a list of the stuff I saw:




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Such a long day...


So, I had a twenty-page paper due. Which I didn't give myself enough time to complete. I had all the research done, stayed up all night trying to finish it...and I couldn't. Had to swallow my pride and email my professor, explaining that my paper wasn't done and I wasn't sure what to do. Thankfully, he ended up being very understanding and willing to work with me, so I now have about a day and a half more to finish it up. I feel like when you take responsibility for your own mistakes, and admit that you screwed up to someone else without giving stupid excuses, they become very willing to be lenient. And I feel like it was important that I didn't give up on my paper early in the evening. I stayed up all night trying to get it done, I just totally underestimated how long it would take to write up after I got all the sources I needed (this is what I told my professor when he asked, "So what happened?"). 


But, we also had to give presentations on the subject of our research. Mine was...kind of a hot mess. But it's okay. I'll take any grade that's not failing, now. Because at six in the morning I had all but accepted that I would not pass this class (the paper makes up 50% of the grade). What surprised me is how polished the other people were, even though a lot of them said that they were really nervous about presenting. They even dressed up, while I showed up in the clothes I'd been wearing for 24 hours at that point... >_>


When the presentations were finally done (I tried, but couldn't stay awake through all of them), I headed back to my room to change out of yesterday's clothes. I was going to meet a friend at 3ish...but ended up falling asleep on my chair until about 5pm. I felt really bad about it, but she was okay. I also bought her lots of food, that always helps forgiveness along. XD She knew I'd pulled an all-nighter, anyhow, so she figured out that I'd accidentally fallen back asleep.


Now I have to finish another assignment for another geology class. It may have been due two hours ago...but that was when I woke up from my accidentally extended nap. The professor of this class is the same one as for the one with the long paper, though. So maybe he'll just take the work anyway. (I hope so, it's 15% of the class grade...)


Anyway. Gotta move to the science library now, because all the research I need for this little assignment is NOT online, but in bookshelves on the other side of campus.

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One horrible week V.V


Yesterday: Some random kids called me a "gay". D: damn, if only I knew their language and understood what they said immediately, I would have said something to correct them...and maybe hit them .-.


Today: I woke up only to find out I'll be having an out of the country trip in six hours. for christ's sake, really! I mean, I'm being sent away... wtf is going on o.o

Edited by mimi25, 03 May 2014 - 05:13 PM.


shadow, by ponies~ <3




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Basically wasted 21 hours of my life. e~e




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Time passes so oddly when you don't sleep well. My whole perception of time must be based off of a sleeping/waking cycle. I need the sleep, even if it's two hours or so, to create a kind of mental boundary. There, I slept in my bed. That day is over now. 


I have the habit of only sleeping in my bed when I'm getting my night's sleep. No napping. I think this sometimes can lead to me being really confused when I actually take a nap in a bed, instead of on a chair or couch.


Anyway. After I got my extension on the paper. I knew I needed to work. I really hadn't gotten that much more time. But I was so worn out. Failure and guilt takes a lot out of you. So does staying up all night. I'm not sure when I ended up going to sleep Friday night. I think it was late, because I stayed in a library vainly hoping I could get work done. I woke up later than I meant to on Saturday. Ended up taking my time in the shower, getting ready, waiting for my hair to dry a satisfactory amount. All the while, I'm aware that I'm whittling away at time I can't afford to waste.


Go to the library, finally. I know I need to work. Need to work. But I don't. I don't know why. Either I'm extraordinarily lazy, or weak-willed, or my ADHD medication would have made my life much easier...Given me the power to ignore the voice that says, stop doing this. Let's do something fun. Let's check skype. What is the weather? 


I leave the library when security comes to kick people out, at 2am. Awful feeling. I still had more than half my paper to write. I pretty much knew, after I didn't get anything done Friday afternoon, that I would have to stay up all night again. So I just merely walked to the IT center, which is open 24 hours. It was very quiet then. I sat by a window, hoping that the knowledge that people walking by could see my computer screen and judge me if I wasn't working would encourage me to get things done. But there weren't enough people walking by, and I simply do not care enough about what strangers think of me. I wasted time, gradually starting to take notes to write. Had a skype call. Finally it got to the point where I knew that if I didn't start working, I would not finish. 


Then, finally, I could just...do my work. All I've ever wanted to do. Be able to do work so I can move on with my life. It takes a lot to get me there.


I worked and worked and worked. When the time came to submit the paper to the professor, I actually had something to submit. Not my best work, but not something to be ashamed of. Even though the time-frame was horrendous, I still put a lot of work into it. I hope it showed.


I had another assignment, though. I ignored it as if I hoped that everyone else would just ignore it, too. Well, they didn't. Trudged to the library instead of sleeping. Now 32 hours without sleep. I couldn't stay awake long enough to finish reading a paragraph. But still stayed in the library until the intermittent (and involuntary) naps were enough for me to function again. They gave me strange dreams, of good versus evil, of bald clerks defending their wearing of wigs, people yelling for some reason. It was like a whole storyline flashed through my mind in an instant.


Did not get my assignment done. But I'll still try. There's only 100% no hope in a situation if you've given up on it. Otherwise, you never know...

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Horripilating Sea Cucumber

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I got a 6 for my PPP <3 We actually had our results last week but since I skipped out 2 days of school I didnt get it. I came back to school, my minds refreshed and clean. Saw Rosalie and she said I got a 6! She wasnt supposed to know my score but it made my day. I was so afraid that I would get a 4 but I scraped a 6 x3~ Anyway I'm happy.



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Edited by TruthsayerOfTheRaisingSun, 08 May 2014 - 04:09 AM.



    Baked Potato

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This week is endless. Doesn't help that all-nighters really mess up my knowledge of what day it is. XD

Still have two more exams to take, and they're big ones: calculus and physics. But after that, I will be doooooneeee!


Threw a paper together yesterday, got an A! Whew. The professor could tell I rushed it but I made good points, so I still got a good grade. (Also this professor won't hand out a bad grade unless he really has to.) Took my music theory exam this morning, and was glad I took a bit of time to study for it. I even took the time to go back and check my answers--which I almost never do-- and was rewarded by finding an error I made transcribing something that would have made me get like one third of the question wrong. Woo!


I will be very, very glad to be home.

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This week went well I guess. So I've been studying for my final exams that are starting on May 23rd (ugh). But the good thing is that we're not learning anything in school (besides Science which is the only reason why I'm comming to school other wise I would just skip and study at home which is better. And for some odd reason the teachers actually tell us to do that and insult us if we don't) and are mostly revising. 

I've been getting along with my crush (we used to never talk, honestly I don't even know how I fell for him... plus he's not all that good looking but neither am I so, hah!) which is nice. Can't wait until summer 2014 and time's really flying and that's great too.  And then there's always those small things that add up and make u at-least fairly happy overall :)

  "If you don't take risks, you can't create a future." - Monkey D. Luffy

  "When the world starts shoving you around, you just gotta stand up and shove back. It's not like someones gonna save you if you start babbling excuses." - Roronoa Zoro

  "If you're too afraid of making mistakes, you won't be able to do anything." - Sanji

  "Life is like a pencil that will surely run out, but will leave the beautiful writings in life." - Nami

  "There comes a time when a man has to stand and fight. That is when his friends' dreams are laughed at." - Usopp

  "When do you think people die? When they're shot through the heart by a pistol? No. When they're ravaged by an incurable disease? No.  When they drink soup from a poisonous mushroom??? NO!!! It's when they are forgotten." - Hiluluk

  "Maybe nothing in this life happens by accident. As everything happens for a reason, our destiny slowly takes form." - Silvers Rayleigh



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Congrats ! I`ll be getting my on may 15


Anaïs la Baguette

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I had a every tiring week .-.



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Strong magick is at work here... i just can't stay away from batoto >___>

Might as well embrace batoto and my love for random posting.

On the other hand, job search still not looking good but giving up is not an optionnnnnn so i gotta do what i gotta doo



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so much work interviewing new professor




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Mom just got back from Vietnam, bought her favorite vietnamese coffee and little green bean cubes. Tried tasting the green bean cubes but they transformed into tiny pieces and became litter in the floor D:



    Baked Potato

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My day was great, I got my braces removed but I still feel like its naked. But I'll be more open and proud of it, thanks to Osa-chan ;D ♥♥♥ Anyways, I'll post more about today later on. ^ ^ ^ that was about yesterday. Too lazy to go back and change the sentence xD

Third year of college


groups I work for:




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Yesterday i just got new colorpencils the one i adore so much, and im getting money by selling my drawings/making requests/doing comics

This week was fantastic, i learned how to make sushi, i might get a pen tablet(FINALLY) , its not long before school ends(only2 weeks left) and i just ate a huge seafood party.