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Racism in Anime

Racism whathaveyoudone notlikingblackgirls

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    Fried Potato

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First of all no, my ethnicity is caucasian, I have been wondering, why most of the time the characters in anime are white and perfect, whats the point of avoiding making people of different color or at least having different cultures and all, it is known that Japan is xenophobic, but still...
Whats your opinion about the topic? Also would you mind if your favorite anime girl had a different color or culture?

Im asking because I have seen some serious...bad answers in other places.



    Baked Potato

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Honestly I don't care, if their black, white or purple it doesn't matter. What really matters is the plot/story.



    Fried Potato

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Honestly I don't care, if their black, white or purple it doesn't matter. What really matters is the plot/story.

I thought that what matters is the character personality and development, the plot is important, but void characters are kinda useless.



    Baked Potato

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To you they maybe. But to me the characters are just the icing on the cake if they cake doesn't take good, won't matter what icing you use the cake will still taste bad. Basically I'm just saying that if the plot/story sucks won't matter how the characters look the anime will still be bad.

Edited by SoundSpark, 03 November 2012 - 12:07 AM.



    Couch Potato

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Girls in animu are white, therefore Japan is racist. Logical fallacy.

The reason is quite simple, it's the same as why you won't see a black man in a russian TV series or movie.

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    Fried Potato

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Girls in animu are white, therefore Japan is racist. Logical fallacy.

The reason is quite simple, it's the same as why you won't see a black man in a russian TV series or movie.

No I didn't mean that, usually black people in the most common series do not hold importance at all, and most of them are portrayed as delinquents or low life people, coincidence?



    Baked Potato

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But If you're thinkin' about my baby

It don't matter If you're black or white

Edited by Katzilla, 03 November 2012 - 01:07 AM.




    Russet Potato

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The act of creating a black or whatever character in order to not be "racist" is racist. Feeling the need to include that is racist because you are yourself separating them from the rest of the people.
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    Fried Potato

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the japanese are hella racist and have been for years
it's not a matter of personal interpretation they are just outrageously nationalistic when they aren't mocking their own government and it shows in their media

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don't even get started on what they think of black people



    Fried Potato

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Actually, people in anime are almost never white, unless explicitly stated as such. You just think they're white because you are, and therefore, it's the default to you. To the Japanese, they are Japanese characters. If you look at a regular smiley face with no features, I'd bet you would assume it was a Caucasian, while people from other countries would think it represents people from their own country.
Here's a link that explains it better than I can: http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2010/08/30/guest-post-why-do-the-japanese-draw-themselves-as-white/



    Fried Potato

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I think that we should define what "xenophobia" and "racism" are before going any further in the discussion. Though these two words are quite often as synonym, they have fondamently different meaning. "Xenophobia" is formed from two greek word "xeno" wichmeans "different" and "phobia" which means "fear", in conclusion "the fear of those different", that 'fear' can also be percieved sometimes as an 'dislike' . "Racism" is, on the other hand, "the belief that humans can be categorise into different 'race' each one having different characteristics which distinguish it from the others" we can also add that "racism" generally also add a sense of order and superiority between races.

Going back to the discussion, Japan is a country which has and had in the past xenophobic sentiments. These sentiments are not caused by any ideology, like often seen in Europe, but more they more likely come from political arguments. Nationnalism as mentioned before is still highly prominent in Japan and bad economic environnement doesn't either, since correlation have been shown between bad economic period and the increase of extremism.

Finally, my point is that Japan is not racist but xenophobic, which is different. And we can see, day by day improvement in the cultural vision of foreigner (gaijin). By the way I'm absolutely not trying to make an ethical judgement on Japan.

I would personally not mind if the characters have a different coloured skin.

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"Oh! honor glistened on your manly mustache."
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Sociopath Espher

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No I didn't mean that, usually black people in the most common series do not hold importance at all, and most of them are portrayed as delinquents or low life people, coincidence?

Most likely because delinquent and low life people tend to follow trends ... and there a Ganguro trend over there ..... and then Black people usually have this muscular build .... and people tend to use what they good at the most ......

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Me gusta



    Fried Potato

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I think that we should define what "xenophobia" and "racism" are before going any further in the discussion. Though these two words are quite often as synonym, they have fondamently different meaning. "Xenophobia" is formed from two greek word "xeno" wichmeans "different" and "phobia" which means "fear", in conclusion "the fear of those different", that 'fear' can also be percieved sometimes as an 'dislike' . "Racism" is, on the other hand, "the belief that humans can be categorise into different 'race' each one having different characteristics which distinguish it from the others" we can also add that "racism" generally also add a sense of order and superiority between races.

Going back to the discussion, Japan is a country which has and had in the past xenophobic sentiments. These sentiments are not caused by any ideology, like often seen in Europe, but more they more likely come from political arguments. Nationnalism as mentioned before is still highly prominent in Japan and bad economic environnement doesn't either, since correlation have been shown between bad economic period and the increase of extremism.

Finally, my point is that Japan is not racist but xenophobic, which is different. And we can see, day by day improvement in the cultural vision of foreigner (gaijin). By the way I'm absolutely not trying to make an ethical judgement on Japan.

I would personally not mind if the characters have a different coloured skin.

You don't need to explain the difference between xenophobic and racist, I know them very well, and my point stands.

Actually, people in anime are almost never white, unless explicitly stated as such. You just think they're white because you are, and therefore, it's the default to you. To the Japanese, they are Japanese characters. If you look at a regular smiley face with no features, I'd bet you would assume it was a Caucasian, while people from other countries would think it represents people from their own country.
Here's a link that explains it better than I can: http://thesocietypages.org/socimages/2010/08/30/guest-post-why-do-the-japanese-draw-themselves-as-white/

That indeed is an interesting idea.

Edited by thearux, 03 November 2012 - 02:35 PM.



    Fried Potato

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huhu, I don't care as long as my favorite heroines remain cute. :batoto_028:




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You are honestly just simply thinking to hard on this matter. Most of the anime/manga characters are Asian, so when you say white, I just don´t follow. They´ve the skin colour cause it´s attractive and when I look upon a fellow Asian, I do not see them as "yellow". And it sure does matter for me. I do not find black skin attractive, that´s all.

And one last thing, authors are not by default racist just cause they don´t feature black people. There´re just not that many black people in Japan.

But if you insist on having more variety in ethnicity, read Naruto (he´s a white guy with natural blond hair). Or you can read this manga having a black guy as the MC (he is very very badass):

Yes, is Berserk in the wild west with a black MC............but it´s awesome.

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Yan Q

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Most likely because delinquent and low life people tend to follow trends ... and there a Ganguro trend over there ..... and then Black people usually have this muscular build .... and people tend to use what they good at the most ......

Oooooh my god. I swear.
What does following the ganguro style have anything to do with racism or xenophobia? They tan because it goes against the Japanese (and East Asian) ideal of beauty. White skin. They don't tan because they want to be African. Of course, there are exceptions to exceptions to everything. B-gal is so racist it's hillarious.


To add to the discussion though, the characters you see in Anime aren't Caucasian, they're Asian, they're Japanese. It's a fictional world where having green hair and pink eyes is natural and everyone's faces look the same without these traits because it's easier and it's what happens. If the story's set in a local Japanese high school, chances are it'll be full of Japanese students. An exchange student here, a dazzling prince from Shin Makoku there and that's really all you'll get in terms of foreign characters.

As for why they're all perfect, well, that's why you read/watch these things right? To experience a life different from your own. Character stereotypes are everywhere and most manga or anime are about perfect people (with messed up back stories sometimes) and their awesome lives.

If you're talking about how there are so many European or Fantasy-Land characters, it's because to the Japanese, and a lot of Asian countries, they're still somewhat of a "foreign species" with cultures so different from their own. Actually, there seems to be a few of Indian characters too /:

Edited by YandereYan, 04 November 2012 - 01:07 PM.

yes, i bite

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    Mashed Potato

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o well we are all racists anyway..

even if we think we're not, we subconsciously do racist things.

if my favorite girls had different color... hmm.. from those examples i won't object since they're great anyways~



    Russet Potato

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Well this may or not may be racist but...

Does this sound like racist to you? Or just silly...or bad dubbing
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    Russet Potato

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Yes :(
Most non-white foreigners who did settle down in Japan experience consistent racism. A lot of them are able to endure it but it's just bad... And stupid





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There are so many colors of wrong in this thread,
I don't even want to comment on them all.

First of all no, my ethnicity is caucasian, I have been wondering, why most of the time the characters in anime are white and perfect, whats the point of avoiding making people of different color or at least having different cultures and all, it is known that Japan is xenophobic, but still...
Whats your opinion about the topic? Also would you mind if your favorite anime girl had a different color or culture?

Have you ever considered that this is simply an art style? There doesn't have to be any particular meaning behind the skin color.
Even if their skin is white, I can promise you the characters are quite Japanese. Also what's the point? Don't forget that anime and
manga's biggest fans are Japanese people themselves and they pander to that. Japanese people don't really care about diversity
since their country is quite homogeneous.

Not to say this is a bad or good thing, it's just business.
Also the statement "Japan is xenophobic" is so wrong. Or rather, you make a blanket statement.
Parts of Japan are xenophobic. It does happen, but there's also many open minded people as
well. Things are changing too. Don't forget that the concept of xenophobia isn't limited to Japan.
(Take the Germans/Irish of America).

Yes :(
Most non-white foreigners who did settle down in Japan experience consistent racism. A lot of them are able to endure it but it's just bad... And stupid

Again, depends on the location, and Japan, like any other country is evolving.
Many people think Japan's aging population will help open things up. I don't really
know where you're getting this from though. Do you have anything you saw/read
that made you think this way?

Edited by Archer, 06 November 2012 - 05:07 PM.
