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    Fingerling Potato

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If we're talking about the same xbox games, it's way less processor-intensive than the machine-learning done to detect human forms with that Kinect stuff (and doesn't need those lovely infrared-projecting deprh-field sensors that a kinect has either. Which come to think of it my phone does have, hah, funny story. And it's really funny to me that there's a bunch of other phones with this stuff now but just use it for like fancy blur on photos or trivial stuff like that, but I digress).

So anyway A) it does work and B​) the image-processing requirements aren't that bad, and anyway at least as long as the table, camera, and projector stay in one place, can just be run once at the beginning but C) it also doesn't "magically work" like those old kinect games did; you have to print out some symbols and tape them to the table to get (cheap and fairly reliable) spatial references.

At the moment we also have to throw a towel over the table partway through the process for reasons.

If I were trying to do this more "magic and fancy," like, I know there are things I could do to try to figure out where the table is without printing out the markers, but it'd just be more work for me and yet ultimately produce something less reliable.

Edited by pokari, 18 August 2022 - 11:26 AM.

PItiful Boar

PItiful Boar

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5 nice, so you do use basic image detection stuff... pretty neat, and advanced 



    Fingerling Potato

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Yeah, it's just one of those, "I know how this stuff works from work, I think I can hack this" sorts of things. ~w~

PItiful Boar

PItiful Boar

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7 good stuff man

how do you learn this stuff anyway? on your own? p amazing



    Fingerling Potato

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This one is less so "learned on my own" and more, "learned a little in college and then incidentally worked on augmented-reality stuff enough my career to have some grounding".

And like, probably a full half of that is literally just knowing what tools to reach for. The only thing in what I did that's conceptually difficult is projector-matrix math, I think. And I flubbed the first couple tries I did of that on this project!



    Fingerling Potato

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I have been distracted ever since the "Stable Diffusion" text-to-image (think same genre as Dall-E, if that means anything to you) open source software came out, because it's small enough to run on my PC.

PItiful Boar

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10 ooook

carry on

i've been distracted by mobile gachas and light novels for the past two weeks ? i'm getting sober now



    Fingerling Potato

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If that all came out as gibberish, just:


^ This thing. XD

PItiful Boar

PItiful Boar

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better than what i expected



    Fingerling Potato

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's good, right?? >w<

Relevant to this venue: It does somewhat understand Japanese. Not as well as English, I think, mind. But I get some decent use out of 漫画 even if the results are usually a little derpy ~w~



    Fingerling Potato

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Now trying to figure out if I've broken my graphics card running all these AI programs ~w~

(If I have to buy one, at least they're back down to MSRP after the bitcoin crash!)

PItiful Boar

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14 oooo which is better? Nvidia or ATI?



    Fingerling Potato

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This is one of those realms where (for the moment) Nvidia has succeeded in meaningfully having an edge when it comes to Shiny Things™ through a combination of probably-still-a-bit-superior-hardware but mostly software.

Which is to say every damn thing is written in CUDA. If I don't want to rewrite everyone's code, Nvidia it is.

All this despite the fact that Nvidia is suspected to deliberately gimp machine-learning taskloads on their consumer cards with software (as in, the 30-series suddenly got worse at some point IIRC? I forget if they outright saud they were doing it) so Serious Companies™ will buy thier more expensive workstation cards. (A reminder that even when Nvidia is a bit ahead, competition from AMD is hugely important in keeping them honest, the rat bastards =_=; So I'm seriously rooting for AMD to catch up, which I think they're heading vaguely towards doing.)

Also I'm amused that you do as I sometimes do and still say "ATI" even though it's been more than a decade since the branding change. >w<



    Fingerling Potato

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Weird effects of bitcoin crash on graphics cards: Staring at 3090 and 3090 Ti and wondering which is better for me because they're the same price.

Also weird: Considering that it might actually be the 3090 because an extra 100W for about a 10% performance increase seems just silly.

PItiful Boar

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17 jezus those are $1000 dollar graphics card. ouch!  i just ordered a radeon that was on sale from amazon

a 6500 


i don't even game that much not sure why i did it now ...



    Fingerling Potato

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My deepest apologies if I infected you with too much enthusiasm.

You can probably cancel or return the order if you're having too many second thoughts!

And yeah, they're obscenely expensive. ~w~

PItiful Boar

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19 so i got the 6500xt today , plugged it in, and the fan spin a bit before it stops :( 


i'll try it on a different pc tomorrow but if that doesn't work, that's like 200 bucks down the drain



    Fingerling Potato

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If it was new, you can just RMA it. If it was used you can... Complain it doesn't work, possibly? Depending.


I'm sorry though :/


PItiful Boar

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21 well it kinda works - i mean, the fan doesn't spin up. It does brieflly and then stops. Does it only spin up when it detects a high temperature? but at least it outputs things... 

oh well, i guess im going to keep it for now

I won't be playing any intense games

although a part of me wants to try out bioshock again



    Fingerling Potato

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My 1080 doesn't run the fan when it's not doing much, FWIW. Powerful cards generally aren't really doing much when they're just showing the desktop.

Sound advice whenever trying a new card but especially if feeling suspicious: Download a program that will give you GPU temps and watch what it does.

(I use Open Hardware Monitor but don't know if I can really recommend it because it's not as user friendly as some and can give screwy sensor readings sometimes.)