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why was this axed?

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    Fried Potato

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What happened to it that it got as bad as getting cancelled out of the blues?



    Baked Potato

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Low sales, I assume.




    Potato Spud

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Too many cliffhanger from the end of each chapter.

Not saying that cliffhanger is bad. In fact, it is author weapon to make their stories interesting, however, if overused, proven to be fatal.

Too many cliffhanger will usually result:
1. Unstable plotline
2. Previous plot or scheme to be overridden or overwritten
3. Too many characters (sometimes)
4. Destruction of role (in terms of objects or characters)
5. Too much impact and anticipation on each chapter, such that everything else get turned upside down.

In real life, cliffhanger like situation is considered normal, since you deal with it real time (and makes life interesting).

In Manga, for each cliffhanger, the author need to prepare solutions and answers to it. Theoretically, nothing is wrong with it.
Realistically, unless the author can cope up with it (deadline, story plot, real-life, weekly release, anticipation, etc), the manga is bound to be doomed.

In summary, if this manga continues, it will most likely end like "elfen lied". Interesting, but too many questions left unanswered, ignored characters, and broken plots.
It seems Okamoto sensei realized where this is going, and decided to end it before this series went out of control.

Edited by RaZi3l, 25 September 2012 - 03:26 AM.